Stories of Goodness 

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Stories of Goodness 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Goodness Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Goodness ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

A very special superpower, a story about Happiness and kindness


Un cuento para transmitir alegría e ilusión

"The best way to improve our surroundings and the people who form part of them is to make the world a little better for everyone"

Mirror with a Malfunction, a story about Goodness and generosity


Short story about caring for others

"Helping others brings the greatest happiness"

The Sweet Witch, a story about Kindness and helping others


A short story about helping others

"Goodness consists mainly in helping others."

Happy Mothers on the Marsh, a story about Goodness and leadership


A short story teaching children to do good

"Goodness has a strength way beyond that of the individual, leading others to do good; and it's within the reach of all of us."

An Unexpected Arrival, a story about Dealing with the loss of a mother


A Story about dealing with the loss of a mother

"An emotional and positive story to help in dealing with the loss of a mother during childhood"

Tickets to Heaven, a story about Hope, enthusiasm, goodness


A short story about a sick boy being healed

"The goal of doing good right to the end improves one's attitude to life and is a source of health and hope for those suffering serious illness, whatever the outcome."

Forever a Monster, a story about Kindness, forgiveness and generosity


A children story about kindness and forgiveness

"A bad boy discovers what good effects kind people have in the world"

The Little Forest by the Sea, a story about Teamwork and solidarity


A short story about helping each other in solidarity

"An allegory about how doing good and helping others is an attitude that spreads."

The Origin of Happiness, a story about Goodness and Charity


A short story about the reasons to be happy

"Happiness and contentment come from good deeds"

The Great Wild Car Race, a story about Kindness and generosity


A short story about how goodness brings joy

"Positive feelings are shown in practice, above all when this demands sacrifice."

The Good Pirate, a story about Freedom and self guiding


A short story about the freedom to choose our path

"No one is predestined to do anything. It’s in our own hands to change our lives, from day to day"

The Pet Sack, a story about Kindness


A short story to teach that what we give, we receive

"What we give, we receive. To receive the good we must give it."

The Pillow Fairy, a story about Create awareness and conscience


A short story that entails awareness

"Thinking over the things you have done during the day, is a great help for forming a conscience."

The Boy who Made a Country Smile, a story about The joy of goodness


Short story about the joy of goodness

"A pervasive negative atmosphere can be dispelled by the presence of one infectiously cheerful individual"

The Garden of Statues, a story about Goodness and initiative


A short story about wonders of saving friends just by being good

"Someone who "harm's no one" is still very far from being good."

The Cloud Dragon, a story about Trust and understanding


A short story about the adventure of a terrible dragon

"We all have reasons for behaving as we do. It is better to be understanding and try to bring out the good that we all have in ourselves, rather than be judgemental and condemnatory."

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