Stories of Joy 

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Stories of Joy 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Joy Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Joy ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

A very special superpower, a story about Happiness and kindness


Un cuento para transmitir alegría e ilusión

"The best way to improve our surroundings and the people who form part of them is to make the world a little better for everyone"

The Last Thousand Dragons, a story about Joy and healthy life


A story that teaches children to bring joy to others

"You can change people’s lives by bringing them a little joy and good health."

A Madman in the City, a story about Simplicity and austerity


A short story about the stress of modern life

"We often get so carried away by the materialism of modern life, that we lose sight of the most important things: the things which bring happiness."

The Incredible Black Rain, a story about Optimism and being positive


A short story about optimism

"Everything has its good and bad side. We are happiest when we look for the good in all things."

The Happy Trumpet, a story about Joy and friendship


A short story that teaches children the value of offering joy to others

"It is very important to transmit cheerfulness to others."

Win or Lose, a story about Fair play, being a good loser


Learn how to lose

"To know how to win or lose gracefully is important to actually enjoy what you’re actually doing, and not to give so much importance to the result."

Art Town, a story about Optimism and being positive


A story about optimism

"idea for everyone, to help see the positive aspect in all experiences"

Adventures in the Rain, a story about Imagination and creativity


A short story about the journey to a beautiful nature after the rain

"A beautiful dream journey to a land of fairies"

The Chain of Smiles, a story about Happyness and kindness


A story to teach the value of smiling

"To smile is to be cheerful in a wonderful, contagious, and effortless way."

A Different Take on Halloween, a story about Forgiveness, self control and joy


A short story about Halloween and letters

"A non-scary story about monsters, to tell to little ones on Halloween"

The Unfriendly River, a story about Friendliness, kindness and sense of humor.


A story to promote kindness and friendliness

" It’s always better to have friends and be happy - even though it may bring discomfort - than isolate yourself from people in order to avoid problems."

Christmas Presents, a story about Celebrate the true values ​​of Christmas


A short story to teach chirldren the true meaning of Christmas

"Trying to rescue Christmas from modern-day materialism"

Chocolate Tears, a story about Friendship


A short story to make friends

"The best way to make friends is to be genuinely concerned about others."

Hunting for Smiles, a story about Patience and Perseverance


A tale about patience and perseverance

"Sometimes we are about to achieve our goals, but give up through lack of perseverance and patience."

The Drawing That Talked, a story about Effort and joy


A story about effort and practice with joy to improve

"You can do everything better when you practice with effort and joy"

The Origin of Happiness, a story about Goodness and Charity


A short story about the reasons to be happy

"Happiness and contentment come from good deeds"

The Perfect Face, a story about Happiness


Un cuento para animar a sonreír y estar alegres

"Everybody likes happy, smiling people"

The Tickling Scales, a story about Healthy life and joy


A story about the better indicator of beauty and a person’s value

"Obsession with weight and physical appearance is a sure way to put yourself in a bad mood and create health problems."

Cheerful Charlie, a story about Cheerfulness y enthusiasm


A short story for children about cheerfulness and enthusiasm

"Cheerfulness and enthusiasm are the best means of achieving things. They also have the advantage of being contagious and powerful"

A Letter Soup, a story about Good manners


A short and funny story to teach good manners

"Good manners help us live together in a pleasant atmosphere"

The Knight and the World, a story about Joie de vivre


A short story to quest for happiness

"Our greatest obstacle to happiness is our own self, with its fears, vain preoccupations, and negative patterns of thought"

A Day With The Pigs, a story about Teaching to dress quickly, collaborate, obedience


A short story to teach children how to obey parents and dress quickly

"A fun story to try to impress upon young children the importance of getting dressed quickly and properly."

The Happy Sweeper, a story about Tidiness; working joyfully


A short story for children about working joyfully

"It’s better to be clean and tidy from the start, and anyone can clean up in a joyful spirit."

The Ticklish Kid, a story about Self acceptance; making others happier


A story about self acceptance and others happiness

"everything which makes us different makes us, at the same time, special, and there are always ways to benefit from these gifts"

Teary Joe, a story about Effort and joy, avoid tears


A short story about getting things through crying

"Children who cry to get what they want are missing out on a lot of great stuff."

The Boy who Made a Country Smile, a story about The joy of goodness


Short story about the joy of goodness

"A pervasive negative atmosphere can be dispelled by the presence of one infectiously cheerful individual"

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