Stories of Sharing

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Stories of Sharing

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about SharingTap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Sharing?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

The Prince and the Toymaker, a story about Sharing and Generosity


Cuento para aprender a compartir los juguetes

"A funny story to learn how and why to share toys"

The Angry Brothers, a story about Know how to share, generosity


A short story to teach children the value of sharing toys.

"If we spend more time worrying about what is ours, instead of sharing and using it, we all lose out."

Mirror with a Malfunction, a story about Goodness and generosity


Short story about caring for others

"Helping others brings the greatest happiness"

The greedy cloud, a story about Generosity and envy effects


A story about generosity

"Selfishness and greed have negative and unexpected consequences"

A little hole in the moon, a story about Generosity and kindness


Cuento para ser generoso

"True generosity means giving the best in us, not just things we have too much of."

The Unlucky Merchant, a story about Generosity


A short story on generosity as a way to to have good fortune

"The best way to have good luck is to share all the good things you have. Grateful friends are the foundation of your good fortune"

Happy Endings, a story about Solidarity and Justice


A story about Solidarity and Justice

"Good or bad fortune does not make one a better or worse person, and we all have a responsibility to help the less fortunate. "

A Forced Christmas, a story about Personal commitment to make a beeter world


A christmas story

"Changing and improving the world is a task that must begin with our own personal change and improvement"

Prince Lapio, a story about Justice and fairness


A short story about justice and fairness

"Three brief adventures to illustrate the nature of justice"

The story of Numbskull Tom, the treasure hunter, a story about Studying and reading


Cuento de piratas para animar a estudiar

"Developing a liking for studying and learning will provide a much more interesting life full of opportunities"

The Tree and the Vegetables, a story about Generosity and teamwork


A short story about teamwork and generosity

"Many depend on collaboration and compromise to do well in life"

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