Stories of Comprehension 

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Stories of Comprehension 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Comprehension Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Comprehension ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

The strange teacher who didn’t like his pupils, a story about Love and forgiveness


Un cuento de maestros sobre el cariño en el aula

"Love is the most powerful force to change people "

Grandparents versus Aliens, a story about Respect for older people


Un cuento para amar y comprender a los abuelos

"A warming story to help learn to tolerate mistakes made by grandparents and remember that they too were young and brave, and they deserve our admiration."

The ghost-hunting Zombie, a story about Preventing racism and prejudice


Cuento de zombis y fantasmas

"A nice story to show that you can’t pass judgement on someone just because they were born into a certain group "

The Sword of Peace, a story about Love peace; hate war


A tale about peace

"Two ideas. That wars and battles are not romantic, and that we can all do something to bring about peace."

Adventures of an enemy of Halloween, a story about Good habits


Un cuento de Halloween para cuidarse los dientes

"A lovely story that uses Halloween as an opportunity to remind children of the importance of taking care of their teeth and eating healthy."

The Prisoners, a story about Learn to treat people with deficiencies


A story to learn to treat people with deficiencies and down syndrome

"We need to learn to accept people with deficiencies. We can do this by putting ourselves in their place, and trying to help them."

That’s Enough!, a story about Patience and spirit of sacrifice


A tale to teach patience and spirit of sacrifice

"The spirit of sacrifice helps you to put up with difficult circumstances until things improve."

A Frog and a Frying Pan, a story about Learn to forgive


A short story to learn to forgive

"The law of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” solves nothing. What does solve things is knowing how to forgive."

The Best Robot, a story about Accept people differences


A fantastic tale about tolerance and integration

"We cannot hope to be the best at everything, nor that everyone else be just like us. Every individual contributes something of value."

The Hypersensor, a story about Kindness with people with sensory deficiecy


A short story about interacting with blind people

"People with a sensory deficiency are just normal people who have a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with what’s happening right now"

The Pleaseometer, a story about Avoid to feel envy


A Santa's story about generosity

"Many of those who seem to have so much, in fact have the least. So it’s best not to envy them."

Playing with the Sun, a story about Companionship and comprehension


A short story about companionship

"Wanting to bring happiness to all is the foundation of good companionship"

A Resentful Thumb, a story about Forgiveness


A funny story about forgiveness

"There is no limit beyond which we should stop practicing forgiveness"

The Cloud Dragon, a story about Trust and understanding


A short story about the adventure of a terrible dragon

"We all have reasons for behaving as we do. It is better to be understanding and try to bring out the good that we all have in ourselves, rather than be judgemental and condemnatory."

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