Stories of Friendship
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Stories of Friendship
Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.
Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Friendship Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3
Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Friendship ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!
"Victims of bullying can change their situation by surrounding themselves with friends and adopting a brave attitude."
"Building true peace requires those who feel they have the right to attack to take steps towards forgiveness and reconciliation "
"We shouldn’t value people by their appearance, but rather for their true personality."
"Not everyone around us is a real friend. True friends take care of us."
"Friends are for cheering you up in your worst moments"
"Friends are the greatest help for overcoming difficulties and taking us to where we couldn’t reach alone."
"Friendship begins from giving to friends without expecting anything in return, and being attentive to their needs. "
"True generosity means giving the best in us, not just things we have too much of."
"It is very important to transmit cheerfulness to others."
"True friendship goes much further than superficially knowing people, or getting on well with lots of people."
"If we spend more time worrying about what is ours, instead of sharing and using it, we all lose out."
"Showing gratitude is one of the bases of friendship. Acts can overcome shyness."
" It’s always better to have friends and be happy - even though it may bring discomfort - than isolate yourself from people in order to avoid problems."
"Every child can overcome the fear of the dark by modifying his/her own thoughts and expectations"
"Bravery is a lot different to recklessness. Bravery is not searching out fear or danger, but being able to control fear when it most matters "
"We should give everyone with a disability a chance to show their good qualities. We should treat them as normally as possible."
"When we open ourselves to communicating with others, we enjoy getting to know them, because we all have things of value to share."
"The best way to make friends is to be genuinely concerned about others."
"The fundamental basis of friendship and love is to remain loyal and committed during times of adversity."
"True friends always tell us the truth, even if it’s something we won’t enjoy hearing. Those who give us false praise are not worthy of our trust."
"Positive feelings are shown in practice, above all when this demands sacrifice."
"The satisfaction of working together in friendship is much greater than the minor inconveniences it brings"
"Real friends cannot be bought with gifts; it requires affection, attention and generosity."
"Everybody likes happy, smiling people"
"Telling tales about others is not only unfriendly, it also hinders others from telling their stories themselves"
"No matter how big or strong someone is, there’s always someone bigger who can do just as they do."
"You should think about things before acting impulsively, in order to avoid unforeseen and painful consequences."
"Regretting the past won’t solve anything. What is required is to change one’s situation and seek the necessary help to do so.
"Physical contact and closeness help improve an atmosphere and prevent loneliness."
"Giving without expecting anything in return can often be greatly rewarded"
"Someone who "harm's no one" is still very far from being good."
"Witnesses to bullying can do a lot to prevent it without direct confrontation"
"Friendship is best demonstrated during difficult times."
"Some things cannot be achieved alone, and working together to do them can foster friendship."