Stories of Girls 

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Stories of Girls 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Girls Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Girls ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

An Adventure full of Paint, a story about A job well done


Cuento para aprender a cuidar los detalles y terminar las cosas

"Paying attention to detail and taking your time is the way to do a job well done. "

A very healthy sneeze, a story about Healthy eating


Cuentos para niños que no comen frutas y verduras

"Fruits and vegetables are a key part of a diet and can prevent many health problems"

A place where it rains chocolate, a story about A love of reading


Un cuento para alimentar la imaginación y la creatividad con la lectura

"Reading encourages imagination and creativity, and nurtures our ability to produce good ideas"

The White Rose, a story about Self-Esteem


A story teaching children to appreciate beauty inside one's heart

"We are all valuable in ourselves; much more so than we sometimes believe."

Goldie: a different kind of princess, a story about Self-esteem


Cuento de princesas sobre la obsesión por la delgadez

"The obsession with being thin and superficiality hides people’s true beauty"

Screaming with Mosquitoes, a story about Calm and self-control


Cuento para evitar los gritos

"Shouting is damaging to the family environment; you can achieve much more through a little calm "

A Different Take on Halloween, a story about Forgiveness, self control and joy


A short story about Halloween and letters

"A non-scary story about monsters, to tell to little ones on Halloween"

The Incredible Black Rain, a story about Optimism and being positive


A short story about optimism

"Everything has its good and bad side. We are happiest when we look for the good in all things."

The Birth of the Turtles, a story about Importance of Family


A story about family

"A story in praise of families, and how much we receive from them without realizing."

Fear is soft and smooth, a story about Overcoming fear of darkness


A tale to teach to overcome fear of darkness

"A way to overcome fear of darkness in children, through imagination and creativity"

Albertina, World Traveller, a story about Controlling Impulsiveness


Un cuento para controlar la impulsividad y la impaciencia

"Things turn out better and you can enjoy them more when you approach them calmly and unhurriedly "

Grandfather’s Coins, a story about Money management


A short story to teach children to manage their money

"A little money well spent can achieve a lot more than we had imagined, especially if it helps us to learn and develop ourselves."

The Happy Trumpet, a story about Joy and friendship


A short story that teaches children the value of offering joy to others

"It is very important to transmit cheerfulness to others."

Adventures in the Rain, a story about Imagination and creativity


A short story about the journey to a beautiful nature after the rain

"A beautiful dream journey to a land of fairies"

The Chain of Smiles, a story about Happyness and kindness


A story to teach the value of smiling

"To smile is to be cheerful in a wonderful, contagious, and effortless way."

A Flower a Day, a story about Honesty and generosity


A short story about the fear to tell the truth

"Overcoming fear to tell the truth is difficult, but in the end it isn’t so bad."

Fiona Famous, a story about True friendship


A short story about true friendship

"True friendship goes much further than superficially knowing people, or getting on well with lots of people."

An Insignificant Task, a story about Responsibility y constancy


A story to teach responsibility

"Responsibility is to be measured by how we approach the seemingly less important tasks in life"

The Hair Thief, a story about Sincerity when talking to children


A story about sincerity with sons

"We should explain things to children in an honest manner because children deserve respect. We should resist telling them silly stories for our own amusement. "

Grandmother’s Favourite Doll, a story about Respect and care of things


A short story about respect and care for things

"Things can be enjoyed so much more when we treat them with care."

The Outing, a story about Self acceptance


A short story to avoid making fun on other's physical characteristics

"Don’t make fun of people’s physical characteristics or deficiencies. Everyone gives the best of what they have, and often, unpopular people can offer more than the popular ones."

Pillars of the Earth, a story about Respect is the core of all virtues


A short story for kids about respecting elders.

"Respect is the value that sustains the arena in which all other values partake."

The Grumpy Tree, a story about Generosity, nature caring


A story about generosity

"The stubbornness and selfishness of a tree are remedied with tenderness and generosity"

Peggy’s Talking Pets, a story about Communicating and listening


A short story about the importante of listening

"When we open ourselves to communicating with others, we enjoy getting to know them, because we all have things of value to share."

Trapped in Tidyland, a story about Freedom


A story about freedom

"Freedom is the most valuable gift. Without it, nothing we do has meaning"

Chocolate Tears, a story about Friendship


A short story to make friends

"The best way to make friends is to be genuinely concerned about others."

Drums in Space, a story about Respect and perseverance


A short story about respect and perseverance

"There is always a good solution. If we persist in looking for it, we can end up achieving much more than we had envisioned."

My Daddy’s Very Busy, a story about Doing things with a sense


A short story about spending time correctly

"A short reflection to ask ourselves why we do certain things, and how we use our time."

The Disappearance of the Luckys, a story about True friendship


A story that teaches children how to gain true friends

"Real friends cannot be bought with gifts; it requires affection, attention and generosity."

The Hypersensor, a story about Kindness with people with sensory deficiecy


A short story about interacting with blind people

"People with a sensory deficiency are just normal people who have a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with what’s happening right now"

The Two Towers, a story about Avoid Envy


A short story about Envy

"When we fail to appreciate the good things others possess, and allow envy to take over, we end up in a lot of trouble."

The Red Balls, a story about Measure the right amount of things, self-discipline


A short story about self-discipline and correct amount of dosage

"A story to explain the importance of taking things in the proper measure, using the example of medicine. "

A Letter Soup, a story about Good manners


A short and funny story to teach good manners

"Good manners help us live together in a pleasant atmosphere"

The Pillow Fairy, a story about Create awareness and conscience


A short story that entails awareness

"Thinking over the things you have done during the day, is a great help for forming a conscience."

The Gossips, a story about Respect other's private life


A short story to respect other's privacy

"Everyone has a private side to their life, which should be respected."

Music on your plate, a story about Healthy family life


A short story about good nutrition and healthy family life

"Not only children should get involved in eating more healthily. It is emphasised that the most elaborate, most processed, foods are usually the least healthy"

The Cloudsqueezer, a story about Humility and willingness to learn


A short story about not pretending we know everything

"We should never give up learning. Nor should we ever think we know everything"

The Stepmother, a story about Avoid prejudice and being judgmental


A short story teaching children not to accusatively judge others

"It is most unfair and mistaken to allow ourselves to judge based on appearance or superfluous things like race, beauty or name."

Wonderful Harp Music, a story about Perseverance and effort


A short story about perseverance and effort to learn

"What some highly trained people cannot achieve due to giving up too soon, can be achieved by less trained people who apply persistent effort."

Alina, the Dragon Guardian, a story about Truthfulness


Cuento para perder el miedo a decir la verdad

"Owning up to lies, even if difficult, is the only way to undo the harm that they cause"

Charlie and the Horse, a story about Great care


A short story about how to take care of things

"You enjoy your toys more when you look after them"

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