Stories of Generosity 

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Stories of Generosity 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Generosity Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Generosity ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

Santa has stolen from me!, a story about Learning to be unselfish


Un simpático cuento para aprender a regalar

"You get more, and more genuine, satisfaction from giving something to others than from receiving it."

A very special superpower, a story about Happiness and kindness


Un cuento para transmitir alegría e ilusión

"The best way to improve our surroundings and the people who form part of them is to make the world a little better for everyone"

The Prince and the Toymaker, a story about Sharing and Generosity


Cuento para aprender a compartir los juguetes

"A funny story to learn how and why to share toys"

Mirror with a Malfunction, a story about Goodness and generosity


Short story about caring for others

"Helping others brings the greatest happiness"

The Baby Spuddle, a story about Generosity and unresentful


A short story that teaches children to be generous

"A charming tale to encourage older siblings to be more generous with their younger brothers and sisters, and to prevent jealousy."

Tuton the Planet Eater, a story about Generosity


A short story teaching children to give than to receive

"Generosity starts with yourself. Before demanding from others, we should be the first to give without expecting anything in return. "

The Safe, a story about Generosity


A short story about generosity and giving to others

"Everything we give to others will, sooner or later, return to us, whether or not it be in a form we expected"

The Cloud-eating Giant, a story about Friendship and generosity


A short story about how to gain friends

"Friendship begins from giving to friends without expecting anything in return, and being attentive to their needs. "

Bula, the traveller, a story about Generosity and sacrifice. Avoid materialism


A short story set in the town of Bethlehem

"A Christmas story containing the true values of Jesus’ message"

The greedy cloud, a story about Generosity and envy effects


A story about generosity

"Selfishness and greed have negative and unexpected consequences"

A little hole in the moon, a story about Generosity and kindness


Cuento para ser generoso

"True generosity means giving the best in us, not just things we have too much of."

A place in the Nativity, a story about Christmas Spirit


Cuento navideño sobre el amor de Dios

"Each and every one of us is important, and the best way to make others feel that way is through acts of love and kindness."

Grandfather’s Coins, a story about Money management


A short story to teach children to manage their money

"A little money well spent can achieve a lot more than we had imagined, especially if it helps us to learn and develop ourselves."

The Unlucky Merchant, a story about Generosity


A short story on generosity as a way to to have good fortune

"The best way to have good luck is to share all the good things you have. Grateful friends are the foundation of your good fortune"

A Flower a Day, a story about Honesty and generosity


A short story about the fear to tell the truth

"Overcoming fear to tell the truth is difficult, but in the end it isn’t so bad."

Happy Endings, a story about Solidarity and Justice


A story about Solidarity and Justice

"Good or bad fortune does not make one a better or worse person, and we all have a responsibility to help the less fortunate. "

The Angry Brothers, a story about Know how to share, generosity


A short story to teach children the value of sharing toys.

"If we spend more time worrying about what is ours, instead of sharing and using it, we all lose out."

Forever a Monster, a story about Kindness, forgiveness and generosity


A children story about kindness and forgiveness

"A bad boy discovers what good effects kind people have in the world"

Princess of Fire, a story about Love, devotion and passion


A story for kids about love and passion

"True love is the most powerful way to change the world from the inside, starting with ourselves."

Manute the Brave, a story about Bravery


A short story about bravery

"Bravery is a lot different to recklessness. Bravery is not searching out fear or danger, but being able to control fear when it most matters "

The Big Match, a story about Humility, generosity and teamwork


Short story to avoid individualism

"When doing things together the important thing is to make sure things turn out for the best, rather than worry about how much each individual has contributed "

The Grumpy Tree, a story about Generosity, nature caring


A story about generosity

"The stubbornness and selfishness of a tree are remedied with tenderness and generosity"

Christmas Presents, a story about Celebrate the true values ​​of Christmas


A short story to teach chirldren the true meaning of Christmas

"Trying to rescue Christmas from modern-day materialism"

The Little Christmas Star, a story about Humility and generosity


A short Christmas story about humility

"Humility and generosity can help to achieve a lot, more than those who set conditions to do the same task."

Chocolate Tears, a story about Friendship


A short story to make friends

"The best way to make friends is to be genuinely concerned about others."

A Village on the Road, a story about Solidarity and Kindness


A short story about solidarity and kindness

"The best kindness is to give our time and sincere best wishes to people, regardless of whether they can give us anything in return"

The Warm Whale, a story about Fortitude


A short story about fortitude

"Lack of fortitude leads to senseless, disproportionate consequence"

The Origin of Happiness, a story about Goodness and Charity


A short story about the reasons to be happy

"Happiness and contentment come from good deeds"

The Great Wild Car Race, a story about Kindness and generosity


A short story about how goodness brings joy

"Positive feelings are shown in practice, above all when this demands sacrifice."

The Queen’s Journey, a story about Generosity and setting an example


A short story about generosity and good example

"A quest searching for Generosity ending in an unexpected way"

The Disappearance of the Luckys, a story about True friendship


A story that teaches children how to gain true friends

"Real friends cannot be bought with gifts; it requires affection, attention and generosity."

The Magic Coins, a story about Gererosity and Honesty


A short tale about generosity and honesty

"The best way to encourage honesty is to create an environment of honesty and generosity, since he who wants nothing for himself is farthest from falling into greed and envy."

The Poor Bunny's Magic Present, a story about Generosity


A tale about generosity

"Generosity can often be rewarded in the most unexpected and impressive ways"

the Best Choice, a story about Learn what is truly important and avoid materialism


A story about Santa Claus' presents

"A Christmas story to remind children what is truly important during this period and the whole year through"

A Perfect Christmas, a story about Generosity and humility


Cuento de Navidad

"Generosity and humility are part of the true meaning of Christmas"

The Wand That Ran Out, a story about Generosity


A short story to learn to share

"By contributing just a small part of what we have, together we can achieve a lot"

Two Elves and Two Wishes, a story about Friendship, companionship, reflect before you act


A short story about the value of friendship over being impulsive

"You should think about things before acting impulsively, in order to avoid unforeseen and painful consequences."

The Pleaseometer, a story about Avoid to feel envy


A Santa's story about generosity

"Many of those who seem to have so much, in fact have the least. So it’s best not to envy them."

Two Intelligent Boys, a story about Responsibility and making the best of our talents


A tale about using our talents and responsibility

"Our best talents are simultaneously gifts and responsibilities with regards to others, rather than simply individual advantages for us to exploit"

The Knight and the World, a story about Joie de vivre


A short story to quest for happiness

"Our greatest obstacle to happiness is our own self, with its fears, vain preoccupations, and negative patterns of thought"

The Pet Sack, a story about Kindness


A short story to teach that what we give, we receive

"What we give, we receive. To receive the good we must give it."

The Tree and the Vegetables, a story about Generosity and teamwork


A short story about teamwork and generosity

"Many depend on collaboration and compromise to do well in life"

The Cave of the Thousand Treasures, a story about Generosity


Short story to avoid greed and avarice

"When we attach ourselves to purely material things we are only making ourselves poorer, even though we may have more things"

Redbeard’s Treasure, a story about Avoiding greed


A short story about treasure and greed of a pirate

"There’s no point in accumulating things if you don’t know how to enjoy them."

The Smile Economy, a story about Generosity and avoid materialism


A story that teaches children about true happiness

"We often accumulate money to acquire things to make us feel better, but sharing time and money with others brings us more happiness."

The Full Warren, a story about Generosity and friendship


Short story about generosity

"Giving without expecting anything in return can often be greatly rewarded"

No More Jungle Law (story2): The Monkey, a story about How to avoid bullying


Cuento para prevenir los casos de bullying con los espectadores

"Witnesses to bullying can do a lot to prevent it without direct confrontation"

Friends from the Vegetable Patch, a story about Friendship (and a bit of healthy food)


A story for kids about friendship and healthy food

"Friendship is best demonstrated during difficult times."

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