The Good Pirate

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Story File


Freedom and self guiding

Main Lesson

No one is predestined to do anything. It’s in our own hands to change our lives, from day to day


The age of the pirates


A young pirate boy

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The Good Pirate

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A short story about the freedom to choose our path

Not only was Longhands a young pirate boy, he was also the son of a pirate, the grandson of a pirate, and the great grandson of a pirate. Actually, he hadn't yet stolen anything, nor attacked any ship; but his whole family were sure that he'd turn out to be a first class pirate.

Even so, the idea of spending his life robbing people certainly didn't appeal to young Longhands. He knew this because when he was a toddler, one of his cousins had pinched one of his favourite toys, which made Longhands really suffer.

While he was growing up, Longhands' good nature meant that he worried terribly that some day his real pirate personality would suddenly emerge, and send him down the path of robbing, raiding, and pillaging. Every morning, when he woke up, he looked in the mirror to see if the horrible transformation had yet occurred. But every morning he had the same pleasant sort of face he had had the day before.

As time went on, it became obvious to everyone that Longhands wasn't a pirate; but the family tradition was so long and so wonderfully infamous that no one was bold enough to come out and say it.

"It's just that he's a good pirate," they would say. And they would have kept saying it even if Longhands had studied medicine and dedicated his life to caring for the sick. However, Longhands was still worried about turning into a pirate, and he continued consulting the mirror each morning.

One day, though, seeing that he was now an old man, and having seen his children and grandchildren - none of whom had become pirates - he realised that neither himself, nor anyone, was ever forced to be a pirate, whether from natural forces or from duty. Everyone could do whatever they chose with their lives!

And, having chosen his own life and his own path, Longhands felt deeply happy that he never chose to be a pirate.

Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

Quite often stories of pirates are told as if being a pirate was something wonderful. What do you think about the life led by the pirates, attacking and robbing ships? What do you think about the decision of the young main character of the story?

Let's talk!

Tell your child your own story about how you got your current personal and professional status and the pressures you faced, if any. If you are not satisfied with your current status, now is a great time to try toi change it.

Why don't you try this?

You can encourage your child to pursue her dreams by making a small doll standing for The Good Pirate. Your kid can dress it as the profession she wants to be in the future, so that seeing it reminds her that she will be able to become whatever she wants.

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