Our original Audiostories

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This is a list of all our original stories which are available as podcasts.

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Strange Tennis Balls, a story about Care and precision


A story that teaches children about big and small things

"Teaching very young children about different sizes and shapes."

An Octopus in Trouble, a story about Gratitude and Bravery


A story about gratitude

"Showing gratitude is one of the bases of friendship. Acts can overcome shyness."

Tubby, the Pot-bellied Cat, a story about follow the rules and act in an exemplary manner


Funny story to encourages children to go to bed early

"Funny story which encourages children to go to bed early"

Colourless Tiger, a story about Freedom


A short story about the value of freedom

"Freedom is a fundamental part of life, what gives it its colour. That should always be respected"

The Magic Blackboard, a story about nature care, trustworthiness


A short story about caring the forest

"Some things you can’t leave in the countryside because they damage the environment and living creatures."

Charlie and the Horse, a story about Great care


A short story about how to take care of things

"You enjoy your toys more when you look after them"

The Two Towers, a story about Avoid Envy


A short story about Envy

"When we fail to appreciate the good things others possess, and allow envy to take over, we end up in a lot of trouble."

My Little World has Broken, a story about Overcoming and adaptability


A story for kids about adaptability and flexibility

"Changes are not a bad thing, it is up to ourselves to open the eyes and make something positive of them"

Bula, the traveller, a story about Generosity and sacrifice. Avoid materialism


A short story set in the town of Bethlehem

"A Christmas story containing the true values of Jesus’ message"

The Careless Clown, a story about Responsibility and care for things


A short story to be careful with your things

"Trying to continually cover up faults, ends up with there being no way to conceal them when it is most important."

The Boy and the Cabbage, a story about Help children to eat vegetables and other not so tasty food


A short story to teach eating vegetables

"A simple story to help children see vegetables with new eyes"

The Viking With a Hundred Horns, a story about Austerity


A story about how pride and ostentation leads to defeat

"Ostentation brings nothing positive. Sooner or later it will become a weakness."

The Unfriendly River, a story about Friendliness, kindness and sense of humor.


A story to promote kindness and friendliness

" It’s always better to have friends and be happy - even though it may bring discomfort - than isolate yourself from people in order to avoid problems."

Batbird, a story about endurance


A story that teaches children to endure discomforts and incovenience in life

"Everything in life has its unpleasant or uncomfortable side. These aspects cannot be removed from life."

The Drop of Water, a story about Obedience. Good influencers


A short story about the impact bad influencers could have on children

"It’s much harder to undo an unwise act than it is to act wisely right from the start"

The Singing Hippo, a story about acceptance, avoid envy


A short story about  avoiding envy

"Envying what is natural in others but not in yourself, can drive you to unwise forms of behaviour"

The Pleaseometer, a story about Avoid to feel envy


A Santa's story about generosity

"Many of those who seem to have so much, in fact have the least. So it’s best not to envy them."

Lies in the Stone Age, a story about Sincerity, honesty, responsible act


A short story about being truthful and acting responsibly

"Trying to cover up mistakes with lies only worsens the final consequences."

Grandmother’s Favourite Doll, a story about Respect and care of things


A short story about respect and care for things

"Things can be enjoyed so much more when we treat them with care."

The Day of Silence, a story about Integrate people with disabilities


A story about integrating people with disabilities

"We should give everyone with a disability a chance to show their good qualities. We should treat them as normally as possible."

Edward and the Dragon, a story about Cleverness


A short story about a dragon and a knight

"Quick thinking is the best weapon of all, and should always be used in preference to violence"

The Chair, a story about Real friendship


A short story about identifying real friends.

"Not everyone around us is a real friend. True friends take care of us."

The Birth of the Turtles, a story about Importance of Family


A story about family

"A story in praise of families, and how much we receive from them without realizing."

The Queen’s Journey, a story about Generosity and setting an example


A short story about generosity and good example

"A quest searching for Generosity ending in an unexpected way"

Prince Lapio, a story about Justice and fairness


A short story about justice and fairness

"Three brief adventures to illustrate the nature of justice"

The Little Glutton, a story about Moderation; restraint


A tale about restraint and self control

"Nothing is good when taken to excess"

The Cave of Fear, a story about Courage, value things for what they are and not what they seem


A short story about fear

"Often rumours and idle gossip are based on nothing but speculation, and spread without being questioned."

Christmas Presents, a story about Celebrate the true values ​​of Christmas


A short story to teach chirldren the true meaning of Christmas

"Trying to rescue Christmas from modern-day materialism"

The Life-Wasting Potion, a story about Healthy life


A short story about healthy habits

"Although you have to make some effort to live a healthy and happy life, it pays to eat a little of everything, and do some exercise."

Fleabags, a story about Teamwork


A story about teamwork and collaboration

"Teamwork and coordination allow us to achieve more than we could individually, no matter how capable we are"