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Here you will find almost everything you might need to know about Free Stories for Kids. Please read this section thoroughly to find any answer and to know completely our offer.
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About our stories
Bedtime Stories offers different services to those visiting the webpage. Although most of them are free, a small number requires buying a Subscription Plan to enjoy them.
Without any doubt the main contribution of Bedtime Stories is the possibility to find original and creative stories to educate virtually any value. Together with these stories, we offer the following services:
- Printable version (free): every story can be downloaded for free in PDF format, without ads or any content unrelated to the story.
- Email subscription (free) this subscription uses Google services (Feedburner) and RSS technology to email new stories and blog entries.
- Multilingual stories (free): almost all stories are available in English and Spanish. These are professional translations and are reviewed by language experts with the intention of being faithful but not literal translations. They will help learning a second language.
- Listen to complete audio stories(free): most of the stories are available in different languages and are narrated by voice over professionals. You will find them in English and Spanish, both with different accents for each language.
- Search Engine (free): powered by Google, allows to search only within the website material.
- Other Educational resources (free): The website includes other sections like a blog, several tips for parents and other recommended resources, all of them being very education oriented..
- Download Audio Stories (de pago): (payment): This special service requires a subscription to a paid plan, or to fulfill some other extra condition and it lets you download audiostories to your computer, mobile phone or other device, subject to certain use restrictions depending on the type of license..
- Browse the web without advertising or external links (payment): the web can be browsed more safely, minimizing the risk to leave the webpage by mistake or oversight. This makes browsing the web a friendlier experience.
Those services marked free are usually financed through contextual advertising.
The web Free Stories for Kids was created in the beginning of 2008 by Pedro Pablo Sacristán as a personal project full of enthusiasm, from the stories he was writing.
Since then, Pedro Pablo, especially during the very late hours, has been responsible for almost every web aspect, including technical issues, but also supported by friends, family and colleagues.
Given the growth and dimension of such a special project with an increasing demand of time and effort, Pedro Pablo and his wife decided, three years after launching the website, to dedicate themselves fulltime to the project. That is why, in mid 2011, they created the company called Cuentopía Educativa S.L. with the mission to spread the word about It’s founding intention is clear: to keep all aspects that have made Bedtime Stories a reference website, and to enhance and spread its positive effects around the world.
Payment Subscription Plans and other commercial services are intended to achieve this mission. is a different educational idea, based on the educational power of stories and their influence on the memorizing process, intends to transfer values to our children through hundreds of stories written by Pedro Pablo Sacristán.
Pedro Pablo is a Spanish writer who sparked this initiative when he began to publish the bedtime stories he created everyday for his children, encouraging other parents and teachers to do the same, and providing ideas, methodology and stories, specially stories, to achieve it. collection is made up of hundreds of catalogued and classified stories to facilitate finding the right story to teach what you want.
With the clear idea that every single story has an objective, a value to teach children, they enjoy and learn lessons that will never forget about the really important matters of life: honesty, sincerity, tolerance, generosity, joy …
At we hope that all the effort and illusion we give will crystallize in the form of a little help in the education of the boys and girls of the future, a future where values have a fundamental role.
To put it in simple words, the general rule governing the usage of these stories is based on the objective that I framework to the public:
"I would like this work to help as many people as possible, but retaining any merits and demerits, thus as if someday someone earns some money with it, that will be mainly myself :-)"
In short, there are no restrictions to use our stories with its original purpose-to educate children by anyone, parent, grandparent, neighbor or teacher, but is not permitted commercial use or distribution for commercial purposes without written permission.
Especially critical to preserve this site seems to me an explicit ban on publishing the story in any other website without permission. However, if you want to publish only a few stories (up to 5, whcih seems a reasonable number), there is no need to apply for a permission, just put a visible link to the page of the story or the homepage of our site, and you are done.
Let's see it easier with a few examples:
Do not panic anyone, we have no problem accepting certain uses and distributions, and in fact we have already approved some at no cost, but we want to have some control.
In any case, feel free to contact us to address these issues.
One last note. All this usage terms refers to the texts of the stories, which is what we have rights over. Most drawings are taken from internet and we have no right over them (unless otherwise specified). Moreover, if anyone believes that any of our little pictures could infringe other's copyrights, please notify us using the same form, and it will be replaced.

ECRP, Early Childhood Research & Practice is an excellent resource with articles for parents and teachers willing to investigate in the latest techniques and discoveries about early childhood education
Child & Family Web Guide is one of the best parenting resources directory

A short story about what music can bring

A short story about communicating with others

A short story about extraordinary strength during growth

A short story about what music can bring

A christmas story about God's love