My favorite stories sellection

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This is a selection of those stories that I like the most

Maybe these stories are not the best ones, nor the most artistic, creative nor educational ones. I have selected them for various reasons, as emotional ones, but mainly because when I finished writing them I got really pleased.

I hope you find them as interesting as I do, but in case you don't, you can always look for other stories :-)

Princess of Fire, a story about Love, devotion and passion


A story for kids about love and passion

"True love is the most powerful way to change the world from the inside, starting with ourselves."

Tickets to Heaven, a story about Hope, enthusiasm, goodness


A short story about a sick boy being healed

"The goal of doing good right to the end improves one's attitude to life and is a source of health and hope for those suffering serious illness, whatever the outcome."

The great palace of lies, a story about Sincerity


A tale about lies and their dangers

"Imaginative comparison to explain why you cannot achieve anything worthwhile with lies because, sooner or later, the truth will come out and the whole structure collapses. Also applies to adults! :-) "

The Poor Bunny's Magic Present, a story about Generosity


A tale about generosity

"Generosity can often be rewarded in the most unexpected and impressive ways"

The Little Christmas Star, a story about Humility and generosity


A short Christmas story about humility

"Humility and generosity can help to achieve a lot, more than those who set conditions to do the same task."

Fear is soft and smooth, a story about Overcoming fear of darkness


A tale to teach to overcome fear of darkness

"A way to overcome fear of darkness in children, through imagination and creativity"

The greedy cloud, a story about Generosity and envy effects


A story about generosity

"Selfishness and greed have negative and unexpected consequences"

Art Town, a story about Optimism and being positive


A story about optimism

"idea for everyone, to help see the positive aspect in all experiences"

The Burger who didn’t want to be junk food, a story about Healthy Eating and capricious


A story teaching children to spare eating junk foods always

"Teaching how to eat “junk food” sparingly, and not abuse it."

The Incompetent Genie, a story about cleanliness and order


A short story about being clean and in order

"No great task can be completed without sufficient order in the details"