Stories of Clouds 

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Stories of Clouds 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Clouds Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Clouds ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

A place where it rains chocolate, a story about A love of reading


Un cuento para alimentar la imaginación y la creatividad con la lectura

"Reading encourages imagination and creativity, and nurtures our ability to produce good ideas"

Music for the Clouds, a story about Taste in music


A short story about what music can bring

"A story to encourage an appreciation of music in the youngest children"

Raindrop, Snowflake, a story about Teamwork and collaboration


A story about how teamwork makes everyone achieve the impossible

"It is often necessary to work with others in an organized way in order to achieve great things."

The Cloud-eating Giant, a story about Friendship and generosity


A short story about how to gain friends

"Friendship begins from giving to friends without expecting anything in return, and being attentive to their needs. "

The greedy cloud, a story about Generosity and envy effects


A story about generosity

"Selfishness and greed have negative and unexpected consequences"

The Incredible Black Rain, a story about Optimism and being positive


A short story about optimism

"Everything has its good and bad side. We are happiest when we look for the good in all things."

Black and White, a story about Punctuality and respect


A short story for children about colors

"Lack of punctuality is not only a lack of respect towards others, it can also cause us to miss great opportunities"

The Little Stone Bird, a story about Sensitivity, love and care for nature


A story to teach children how to value and conserve a forest

"A story to develop sensitivity and love of nature"

The Perfect Face, a story about Happiness


Un cuento para animar a sonreír y estar alegres

"Everybody likes happy, smiling people"

Dark Wizard, Spark Wizard, a story about Overcoming fear of storms


A short story about how to overcome the fear of storms

"A magical story to help overcome fear of thunder storms "

Bobby the Mountain Climber, a story about Motivation and sacrifice


A short story about motivation

"If we lose sight of our main aims we can often abandon things when the first difficulties arise."

The Cloudsqueezer, a story about Humility and willingness to learn


A short story about not pretending we know everything

"We should never give up learning. Nor should we ever think we know everything"

The Cloud Dragon, a story about Trust and understanding


A short story about the adventure of a terrible dragon

"We all have reasons for behaving as we do. It is better to be understanding and try to bring out the good that we all have in ourselves, rather than be judgemental and condemnatory."

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