Our best ranked stories for children

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Use the best stories to teach, according to our readers' votes.

Hope you enjoy them too

The strange teacher who didn’t like his pupils, a story about Love and forgiveness


Un cuento de maestros sobre el cariño en el aula

"Love is the most powerful force to change people "

Santa has stolen from me!, a story about Learning to be unselfish


Un simpático cuento para aprender a regalar

"You get more, and more genuine, satisfaction from giving something to others than from receiving it."

An Adventure full of Paint, a story about A job well done


Cuento para aprender a cuidar los detalles y terminar las cosas

"Paying attention to detail and taking your time is the way to do a job well done. "

A very special superpower, a story about Happiness and kindness


Un cuento para transmitir alegría e ilusión

"The best way to improve our surroundings and the people who form part of them is to make the world a little better for everyone"

The Viking With a Hundred Horns, a story about Austerity


A story about how pride and ostentation leads to defeat

"Ostentation brings nothing positive. Sooner or later it will become a weakness."

A very healthy sneeze, a story about Healthy eating


Cuentos para niños que no comen frutas y verduras

"Fruits and vegetables are a key part of a diet and can prevent many health problems"

Grandparents versus Aliens, a story about Respect for older people


Un cuento para amar y comprender a los abuelos

"A warming story to help learn to tolerate mistakes made by grandparents and remember that they too were young and brave, and they deserve our admiration."

A beach with a surprise, a story about Positive attitude.


Cuento sobre las vacaciones, el mar y la playa

"You can still have a positive attitude to life despite any difficulties or bad things you may have faced. "

A place where it rains chocolate, a story about A love of reading


Un cuento para alimentar la imaginación y la creatividad con la lectura

"Reading encourages imagination and creativity, and nurtures our ability to produce good ideas"

The Prince and the Toymaker, a story about Sharing and Generosity


Cuento para aprender a compartir los juguetes

"A funny story to learn how and why to share toys"