Stories of Birds 

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Stories of Birds 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Birds Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Birds ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

An Adventure full of Paint, a story about A job well done


Cuento para aprender a cuidar los detalles y terminar las cosas

"Paying attention to detail and taking your time is the way to do a job well done. "

Adalina, the fairy without wings, a story about Friendship, overcoming


A short story about the importance of friends in overcoming problems

"Friends are the greatest help for overcoming difficulties and taking us to where we couldn’t reach alone."

A Tiny Drop of Magic, a story about Putting off rewards.


Cuento para aprender a tener paciencia y aplazar las recompensas

"The ability to put off rewards and overcome impulsiveness allows much more valuable long-term goals to be achieved"

The Invisible King of the Jungle, a story about Honesty and reliability


A short story about pretending and threatening others

"You can’t lie and exaggerate indefinitely. If you can’t keep your word, sooner or later you will be found out."

The Natural Garden, a story about Nature care and environment friendly


A short story about how to care and preserve the balance of nature

"The balance of natural spaces can break very easily. Before acting on them and making any change we should study them in detail."

The Little Stone Bird, a story about Sensitivity, love and care for nature


A story to teach children how to value and conserve a forest

"A story to develop sensitivity and love of nature"

The Lazy Little Bird, a story about Combat laziness


A story to teach to combat laziness

"Laziness ends up having a bad effect on many aspects of life. It can only be combated with forward-planning and hard work."

The Singing Hippo, a story about acceptance, avoid envy


A short story about  avoiding envy

"Envying what is natural in others but not in yourself, can drive you to unwise forms of behaviour"

Colourful Animals, a story about Avoid prejudices and being open minded


A story to teach to be open minded

"The animals believed the whole world must be just like their own part of it"

Speedy Snails, a story about Humility


A short story about humility

"Being good at something doesn’t make us invulnerable, or better people. What improves us is knowing how best to use our gifts."

The Little Hummingbird, a story about Obedience and prudence


A tender story that teaches children to obey and overcome fear when lost

"A tender story that will help us to remember how a child should behave when they are lost."

Batbird, a story about endurance


A story that teaches children to endure discomforts and incovenience in life

"Everything in life has its unpleasant or uncomfortable side. These aspects cannot be removed from life."

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