Stories of Cleverness

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Stories of Cleverness

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about ClevernessTap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Cleverness?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

Edward and the Dragon, a story about Cleverness


A short story about a dragon and a knight

"Quick thinking is the best weapon of all, and should always be used in preference to violence"

No More Jungle Law (story 1): The Lion, a story about How to avoid bullying


El león: el rey de la selva

"Strength doesn't earn anyone's respect if it isn't used to defend others"

Tony, the Human Wasp, a story about Courage, wit, guts, bravery, intelligence


A short story teaching children to be brave over fear and bullying

"Even when we’re much weaker, we can defend ourselves from bullies by using what they themselves fear."

An almost impossible peace, a story about Peace


Cuento para construir entornos de paz

"Building true peace requires those who feel they have the right to attack to take steps towards forgiveness and reconciliation "

The Chair, a story about Real friendship


A short story about identifying real friends.

"Not everyone around us is a real friend. True friends take care of us."

The Unworthy King, a story about Humility and dignity


A short story about dignity of all people

"Everyone has the same worth and dignity, regardless of their power, riches, or talents. Only deeds are unworthy, not people."

Ice in the Forest, a story about Think before you act


A short story to teach children to think first before taking actions

"Instead of jumping into senseless action, we should stand back and apply thought to the best course to take."

Balloon Acrobatics, a story about Teamwork and wit


A short story about teamwork and wit

"If you work together in a team you can achieve much more than you could have done on your own"

Humility among the Animals, a story about Humility and fair play


A story for kids about humility

"On the vanity and pride of those used to being best, and the lessons in humility which this can bring"

Drums in Space, a story about Respect and perseverance


A short story about respect and perseverance

"There is always a good solution. If we persist in looking for it, we can end up achieving much more than we had envisioned."

The Painter, the Dragon, and the Titan, a story about Prevent abuse and the "pecking order"


A story that teaches children not to abuse their strength and size to give order

"No matter how big or strong someone is, there’s always someone bigger who can do just as they do."

Playing with the Sun, a story about Companionship and comprehension


A short story about companionship

"Wanting to bring happiness to all is the foundation of good companionship"

The Two Spells, a story about Good manners and education


A short story to teach children good manners

"Good manners so facilitate communication with others that they allow you to get much more than by using authority."

Flamenco Beard and the Story Shortener, a story about Enjoy family story time.


Un divertido cuento de piratas

"A fun pirate tale that shows us that everyone, young and old, should enjoy story time."

Book, Ink, and Feather, a story about Cooperation and positive attitude


A short story about how to improve fate through collaboration

"Regretting the past won’t solve anything. What is required is to change one’s situation and seek the necessary help to do so. "

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