Stories of Imagination 

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Stories of Imagination 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Imagination Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Imagination ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

A place where it rains chocolate, a story about A love of reading


Un cuento para alimentar la imaginación y la creatividad con la lectura

"Reading encourages imagination and creativity, and nurtures our ability to produce good ideas"

Tony, the Human Wasp, a story about Courage, wit, guts, bravery, intelligence


A short story teaching children to be brave over fear and bullying

"Even when we’re much weaker, we can defend ourselves from bullies by using what they themselves fear."

Fear is soft and smooth, a story about Overcoming fear of darkness


A tale to teach to overcome fear of darkness

"A way to overcome fear of darkness in children, through imagination and creativity"

Adventures of an enemy of Halloween, a story about Good habits


Un cuento de Halloween para cuidarse los dientes

"A lovely story that uses Halloween as an opportunity to remind children of the importance of taking care of their teeth and eating healthy."

Adventures in the Rain, a story about Imagination and creativity


A short story about the journey to a beautiful nature after the rain

"A beautiful dream journey to a land of fairies"

Chess of a Thousand Colours, a story about Tidiness


A short story about tidiness

"All things require a minimum of order, although that doesn’t prevent the order from being applied with imagination"

Balloon Acrobatics, a story about Teamwork and wit


A short story about teamwork and wit

"If you work together in a team you can achieve much more than you could have done on your own"

Path to Heaven, a story about Sincerity and heartfelt desire


A short story about being sincere to reach the hearfelt desire

"A tender story about feelings and the heart’s desires"

The Math Dunce, a story about Will to learn and creativity


A story about learning maths

"If you adopt a creative and fun strategy, you can make learning even the most boring subject enjoyable"

The Monster Maker, a story about Love of reading and imagination


A short story to encourage love of reading and using the imagination

"A fun way to encourage kids to read and use their imagination"

Mystery in the Library, a story about A love of reading


Cuento para animar la afición por la lectura

"To discover our love for reading we need to start by reading good stories, even if at the beginning we have little or no interest."

The Magic Key, a story about Passion for reading and imagination


A story to discover the joys of reading

"A story to help children discover the joys of reading, and the torrent of experience and imagination it releases"

Colourful Animals, a story about Avoid prejudices and being open minded


A story to teach to be open minded

"The animals believed the whole world must be just like their own part of it"

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