Short stories for children

These brief stories are the best resource for parents and teachers willing to educate children in a fun and effective way. They are original and diverse, and all of them convey an important lesson to learn.

Tap the title to select the one you prefer from our list of short stories.

Título Educational Value
The Magic Tree Good manners A story for kids to teach good manners
Princess of Fire Love, devotion and passion A story for kids about love and passion
An Octopus in Trouble Gratitude and Bravery A story about gratitude
The Ugly Fairy Self acceptance A story about respect and self-acceptance
The World's Crazy Second Day Order and Punctuality Cuento de animales sobre el orden
The Bad Neighbours Communication. Do not judge others's intentions. A short story to teach not to judge others' actions
Music for the Clouds Taste in music A short story about what music can bring
The Magic Window Friendship and care A short story for children about friendship
Grandmother’s Favourite Doll Respect and care of things A short story about respect and care for things
A Doorway to the World Prevent the abuse of computers A short story about animal care and love of nature
The Invisible King of the Jungle Honesty and reliability A short story about pretending and threatening others
Black and White Punctuality and respect A short story for children about colors
The Day the Stork Stole the Wedding Fairness and honesty Cuento para evitar las pequeñas mentiras y desobediencias
An Insignificant Task Responsibility y constancy A story to teach responsibility
Fiona Famous True friendship A short story about true friendship
The strange teacher who didn’t like his pupils Love and forgiveness Un cuento de maestros sobre el cariño en el aula
Santa has stolen from me! Learning to be unselfish Un simpático cuento para aprender a regalar
An Adventure full of Paint A job well done Cuento para aprender a cuidar los detalles y terminar las cosas
The Viking With a Hundred Horns Austerity A story about how pride and ostentation leads to defeat
A very healthy sneeze Healthy eating Cuentos para niños que no comen frutas y verduras
A very special superpower Happiness and kindness Un cuento para transmitir alegría e ilusión
Grandparents versus Aliens Respect for older people Un cuento para amar y comprender a los abuelos
A beach with a surprise Positive attitude. Cuento sobre las vacaciones, el mar y la playa
A place where it rains chocolate A love of reading Un cuento para alimentar la imaginación y la creatividad con la lectura
The Prince and the Toymaker Sharing and Generosity Cuento para aprender a compartir los juguetes
An uncontrollable temper Self-control and good character Cuento para aprender a controlar los enfados
No More Jungle Law (story 1): The Lion How to avoid bullying El león: el rey de la selva
No More Jungle Law (story 2): The Mouse How to avoid bullying El ratón
The Runaway Palace Self-control and good character Cuento para evitar la ira y las respuestas violentas
The Cave of Fear Courage, value things for what they are and not what they seem A short story about fear
Tony, the Human Wasp Courage, wit, guts, bravery, intelligence A short story teaching children to be brave over fear and bullying
An almost impossible peace Peace Cuento para construir entornos de paz
The Burger who didn’t want to be junk food Healthy Eating and capricious A story teaching children to spare eating junk foods always
Raindrop, Snowflake Teamwork and collaboration A story about how teamwork makes everyone achieve the impossible
The Seeds Perseverance and tenacity. Take advantage of setbacks to grow A short story about extraordinary strength during growth
Bigmouth Fox Trust, loyalty and discretion Short story about discretion
Two Kinds of Justice Justice and compassion A short story about true justice
Evil Tellies Time management, don't waste time with television A story that teaches how not to be obsessed with watching tv
The Last Thousand Dragons Joy and healthy life A story that teaches children to bring joy to others
Mirror with a Malfunction Goodness and generosity Short story about caring for others
The Frog who Jumped Through Windows Contentment and appreciate the good things A story teaching children to appreciate what they already have
The short story of the long books To introduce reading Cuento para saber apreciar la lectura desde pequeños