Stories of Tenacity 

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Stories of Tenacity 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Tenacity Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Tenacity ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

The Seeds, a story about Perseverance and tenacity. Take advantage of setbacks to grow


A short story about extraordinary strength during growth

"On the way to achieving our goals, and in the difficulties we overcome, we often develop that which we needed to succeed."

The Old Man on the Moon, a story about Willingness to learn and persistence


A short story for children about constancy

"Even if our plans are not fulfilled in the way we expected, remaining prepared and persistent will bring about other things just as good or better"

Would somebody move that watermelon!, a story about Perseverance. Small efforts make a big difference


Cuento sobre el valor de los pequeños esfuerzos

"Tasks that seem impossible can be achieved if done little by little"

Hunting for Smiles, a story about Patience and Perseverance


A tale about patience and perseverance

"Sometimes we are about to achieve our goals, but give up through lack of perseverance and patience."

The Drawing That Talked, a story about Effort and joy


A story about effort and practice with joy to improve

"You can do everything better when you practice with effort and joy"

Drums in Space, a story about Respect and perseverance


A short story about respect and perseverance

"There is always a good solution. If we persist in looking for it, we can end up achieving much more than we had envisioned."

The Opera Singer, a story about Hard work and effort


A short story about hard work

"Success comes as a result of hard work and constant effort."

Bobby the Mountain Climber, a story about Motivation and sacrifice


A short story about motivation

"If we lose sight of our main aims we can often abandon things when the first difficulties arise."

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