Stories of Integration 

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Stories of Integration 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Integration Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Integration ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

A beach with a surprise, a story about Positive attitude.


Cuento sobre las vacaciones, el mar y la playa

"You can still have a positive attitude to life despite any difficulties or bad things you may have faced. "

Adalina, the fairy without wings, a story about Friendship, overcoming


A short story about the importance of friends in overcoming problems

"Friends are the greatest help for overcoming difficulties and taking us to where we couldn’t reach alone."

The Outing, a story about Self acceptance


A short story to avoid making fun on other's physical characteristics

"Don’t make fun of people’s physical characteristics or deficiencies. Everyone gives the best of what they have, and often, unpopular people can offer more than the popular ones."

The Day of Silence, a story about Integrate people with disabilities


A story about integrating people with disabilities

"We should give everyone with a disability a chance to show their good qualities. We should treat them as normally as possible."

The Prisoners, a story about Learn to treat people with deficiencies


A story to learn to treat people with deficiencies and down syndrome

"We need to learn to accept people with deficiencies. We can do this by putting ourselves in their place, and trying to help them."

The Best Robot, a story about Accept people differences


A fantastic tale about tolerance and integration

"We cannot hope to be the best at everything, nor that everyone else be just like us. Every individual contributes something of value."

The Deductive Mr. Horsefly, a story about Avoid stereotypes


Short story to avoid stetreo

"You can’t judge anyone based purely on stereotypes."

The Perfect Face, a story about Happiness


Un cuento para animar a sonreír y estar alegres

"Everybody likes happy, smiling people"

An Allergic Wizard, a story about Be respectful and kind to others


A funny story about respect to others

"With very little effort, and some tact, you can be considerate to, and include everyone"

The Ticklish Kid, a story about Self acceptance; making others happier


A story about self acceptance and others happiness

"everything which makes us different makes us, at the same time, special, and there are always ways to benefit from these gifts"

The Great Gifts, a story about Avoid bullying, harrassment in school


A short story about uniqueness and great gift of talents

"Children who at first seem strange often turn out to be very special. We should help them to find their own individual talents."

The Stepmother, a story about Avoid prejudice and being judgmental


A short story teaching children not to accusatively judge others

"It is most unfair and mistaken to allow ourselves to judge based on appearance or superfluous things like race, beauty or name."

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