Stories of Forgiveness 

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Stories of Forgiveness 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Forgiveness Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Forgiveness ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

The strange teacher who didn’t like his pupils, a story about Love and forgiveness


Un cuento de maestros sobre el cariño en el aula

"Love is the most powerful force to change people "

A beach with a surprise, a story about Positive attitude.


Cuento sobre las vacaciones, el mar y la playa

"You can still have a positive attitude to life despite any difficulties or bad things you may have faced. "

No More Jungle Law (story 1): The Lion, a story about How to avoid bullying


El león: el rey de la selva

"Strength doesn't earn anyone's respect if it isn't used to defend others"

Two Kinds of Justice, a story about Justice and compassion


A short story about true justice

"True justice requires looking to the future and using compassion so as not to turn into just another form of vengeance."

The short story of the long books, a story about To introduce reading


Cuento para saber apreciar la lectura desde pequeños

"The love for books and reading should be introduced gradually, respecting children’s age and stage of development."

The Day the Stork Stole the Wedding, a story about Fairness and honesty


Cuento para evitar las pequeñas mentiras y desobediencias

"Las pequeñas mentiras y ocultamientos son tan malos como los grandes, porque para ocultarlos siempre obligan a crear nuevas y mayores mentiras"

Perfect Justice, a story about Justice and forgiveness


A short story about justice and forgiveness

"Forgiveness is a fundamental part of justice."

The Angry Brothers, a story about Know how to share, generosity


A short story to teach children the value of sharing toys.

"If we spend more time worrying about what is ours, instead of sharing and using it, we all lose out."

A Different Take on Halloween, a story about Forgiveness, self control and joy


A short story about Halloween and letters

"A non-scary story about monsters, to tell to little ones on Halloween"

Forever a Monster, a story about Kindness, forgiveness and generosity


A children story about kindness and forgiveness

"A bad boy discovers what good effects kind people have in the world"

A Frog and a Frying Pan, a story about Learn to forgive


A short story to learn to forgive

"The law of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” solves nothing. What does solve things is knowing how to forgive."

Billy Peck, Tightrope Waddler, a story about Friendship and sincerity


A short story about friendship and sincerity

"True friends always tell us the truth, even if it’s something we won’t enjoy hearing. Those who give us false praise are not worthy of our trust."

the Best Choice, a story about Learn what is truly important and avoid materialism


A story about Santa Claus' presents

"A Christmas story to remind children what is truly important during this period and the whole year through"

The Evil Millisphore, a story about Love in the family


A story teaching children that love is the secret strength of the family

"The family has such strength because it is united by love, and this is why the family accepts and forgives a thousand times."

A Resentful Thumb, a story about Forgiveness


A funny story about forgiveness

"There is no limit beyond which we should stop practicing forgiveness"

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