Stories of Humility 

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Stories of Humility 

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about Humility Tap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories about Humility ?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

The short story of the long books, a story about To introduce reading


Cuento para saber apreciar la lectura desde pequeños

"The love for books and reading should be introduced gradually, respecting children’s age and stage of development."

The Girl with the Beautiful Face, a story about Avoiding superficiality


A short story about true love behind a beautiful face

"We shouldn’t value people by their appearance, but rather for their true personality."

The Unworthy King, a story about Humility and dignity


A short story about dignity of all people

"Everyone has the same worth and dignity, regardless of their power, riches, or talents. Only deeds are unworthy, not people."

The greedy cloud, a story about Generosity and envy effects


A story about generosity

"Selfishness and greed have negative and unexpected consequences"

A place in the Nativity, a story about Christmas Spirit


Cuento navideño sobre el amor de Dios

"Each and every one of us is important, and the best way to make others feel that way is through acts of love and kindness."

The Princess without a Palace, a story about Humility and homeliness


A short story aout humility and homeliness

"Happiness is not to be found in the showy and sophisticated things in life, but rather in the right way to approach life and live it."

Lola the Whale, a story about Humility, ask for help when needed


A short story about being humble to ask for help when needed

"We need to learn to be sufficiently humble to ask for help with problems we cannot solve on our own"

The Boy Who Always Won, a story about Fair play and honesty


A tale to teach fair play and avoid cheating

"The desire to always win at everything, to the extent of resorting to cheating, is the greatest obstacle to winning when winning is most important"

Happy Endings, a story about Solidarity and Justice


A story about Solidarity and Justice

"Good or bad fortune does not make one a better or worse person, and we all have a responsibility to help the less fortunate. "

Would somebody move that watermelon!, a story about Perseverance. Small efforts make a big difference


Cuento sobre el valor de los pequeños esfuerzos

"Tasks that seem impossible can be achieved if done little by little"

Manute the Brave, a story about Bravery


A short story about bravery

"Bravery is a lot different to recklessness. Bravery is not searching out fear or danger, but being able to control fear when it most matters "

The Big Match, a story about Humility, generosity and teamwork


Short story to avoid individualism

"When doing things together the important thing is to make sure things turn out for the best, rather than worry about how much each individual has contributed "

The Little Christmas Star, a story about Humility and generosity


A short Christmas story about humility

"Humility and generosity can help to achieve a lot, more than those who set conditions to do the same task."

Humility among the Animals, a story about Humility and fair play


A story for kids about humility

"On the vanity and pride of those used to being best, and the lessons in humility which this can bring"

That’s Enough!, a story about Patience and spirit of sacrifice


A tale to teach patience and spirit of sacrifice

"The spirit of sacrifice helps you to put up with difficult circumstances until things improve."

The Beauty Contest, a story about Humility


Short story of the vanid butterfly

"Vanity provokes others to serve up some painful lessons on humility"

Billy Peck, Tightrope Waddler, a story about Friendship and sincerity


A short story about friendship and sincerity

"True friends always tell us the truth, even if it’s something we won’t enjoy hearing. Those who give us false praise are not worthy of our trust."

The Hero Who Was Going To Save the World, a story about Care of details and little things


A short story about the adventure of a superhero

"Whoever disdains the small things in life, saving themselves for the big things, will never be prepared for the most important moments."

The Best Robot, a story about Accept people differences


A fantastic tale about tolerance and integration

"We cannot hope to be the best at everything, nor that everyone else be just like us. Every individual contributes something of value."

The Mocking Tiger, a story about Learn to appreciate valuable qualities on everyone


A story to teach to value things on others

"Animals are trapped in a cave during their meeting. The only way to be saved is by using very special abilities"

The Mysterious Juggling Clown, a story about Respect and Humility


A tale about respecting others work

"If nothing is done to remedy it, disrespect multiplies and spreads. So it’s everyone’s responsibility to prevent such behaviour."

A Perfect Christmas, a story about Generosity and humility


Cuento de Navidad

"Generosity and humility are part of the true meaning of Christmas"

Speedy Snails, a story about Humility


A short story about humility

"Being good at something doesn’t make us invulnerable, or better people. What improves us is knowing how best to use our gifts."

The Cloudsqueezer, a story about Humility and willingness to learn


A short story about not pretending we know everything

"We should never give up learning. Nor should we ever think we know everything"

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