Cuentos para lazy

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Cuentos para lazy

Use these sort stories to enrich your family life: they'll help you to be a better parent, your children to be better kids, and your baby to develop healthy at emotional and intelectual levels.

Below you'll find the list with stories for kids about lazyTap the corresponding icon to read, download as pdf or listen to as mp3

Looking for funny educative captivating short stories for lazy?... this is your place! --Our best point?-- creative after reading suggestions and activities so your stories conquer their hearths and their minds. Come in, do not miss this boat!

The Seeds, a story about Perseverance and tenacity. Take advantage of setbacks to grow


A short story about extraordinary strength during growth

"On the way to achieving our goals, and in the difficulties we overcome, we often develop that which we needed to succeed."

Evil Tellies, a story about Time management, don't waste time with television


A story that teaches how not to be obsessed with watching tv

"Watching television is often a waste of time, and brings no benefit."

The Baby Spuddle, a story about Generosity and unresentful


A short story that teaches children to be generous

"A charming tale to encourage older siblings to be more generous with their younger brothers and sisters, and to prevent jealousy."

The Sweet Witch, a story about Kindness and helping others


A short story about helping others

"Goodness consists mainly in helping others."

Happy Mothers on the Marsh, a story about Goodness and leadership


A short story teaching children to do good

"Goodness has a strength way beyond that of the individual, leading others to do good; and it's within the reach of all of us."

The Wailing Forest, a story about Effort and sacrifice


A short story about bad postures

"A metaphor about good posture for children, looking at possible future consequences of too much comfort."

The Leopard in his Tree, a story about Justice and commitment


A short story that teaches children to be concerned with others

"Indifference to the problems of others can allow those problems to grow until they end up being problems to ourselves."

The Little Forest by the Sea, a story about Teamwork and solidarity


A short story about helping each other in solidarity

"An allegory about how doing good and helping others is an attitude that spreads."

The Hero Who Was Going To Save the World, a story about Care of details and little things


A short story about the adventure of a superhero

"Whoever disdains the small things in life, saving themselves for the big things, will never be prepared for the most important moments."

The Unending Well of Wonders, a story about Time Management


A short story about the importance of how to use time

"We have to learn how to make the most of time, because it's through time that we do everything we enjoy."

A Day With The Pigs, a story about Teaching to dress quickly, collaborate, obedience


A short story to teach children how to obey parents and dress quickly

"A fun story to try to impress upon young children the importance of getting dressed quickly and properly."

Wonderful Harp Music, a story about Perseverance and effort


A short story about perseverance and effort to learn

"What some highly trained people cannot achieve due to giving up too soon, can be achieved by less trained people who apply persistent effort."

The Rebellious Ant, a story about Teamwork, order and obedience


A short story about obedience and effort

"Organisation and following rules, allows collaboration to achieve great things."

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