The Incompetent Genie. Picture bedtime story

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Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

With the help of the child, the genius's lamp is tidy and useful again. How often do you think he will have to do cleaning? What should the genius do to avoid spending so many days cleaning his lamp?

Let's talk!

Daily life is full of activities that alone do not seem quite special, but they are needed in order to live a life with lots of special activities. Help your child to identify what those activities are (hygiene, shopping, washing and ironing, etc.). Then tell your kid what do you do to make those uninteresting activities a bit more special.

Why don't you try this?

To sweeten the job of tidying up the room, you can make a genius custome for your child. He can wear that costume to tidy up his "lamp" (the room) while playing the jinn with you.

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Drawings by Jaime Espinar.