The Greatest Treasure In The World. Audio story narrated in British English.

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Story narrated by Sharon Brogden. You can read the complete story text below

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Text of this story

Once upon a time, the greatest treasure in the world was hidden in a chest. The chest was locked and was inside a cave that could only be found with the help of a map.

A monkey found the key to the chest in a tree, an elephant managed to move a boulder which stood in the way, and a snake found the map under some stones. All of them tried to find the chest on their own, without success. An owl realised this and gathered the animals together to work as a team. The animals took his advice and, after many adventures and difficulties, they managed to find the chest.

When they opened it, there was just one single piece of parchment inside. It said that if they had gotten this far then they had already found the greatest treasure in the world: that of friendship.

The animals realised this was true, and they happily remained friends for life.

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