Short stories for children

These brief stories are the best resource for parents and teachers willing to educate children in a fun and effective way. They are original and diverse, and all of them convey an important lesson to learn.

Tap the title to select the one you prefer from our list of short stories.

Título Educational Value
The Poor Bunny's Magic Present Generosity A tale about generosity
Trouble in the Science Class Being calm A short and funny story about being calm
The Magic Blackboard nature care, trustworthiness A short story about caring the forest
The Mysterious Juggling Clown Respect and Humility A tale about respecting others work
The Lion’s Tail Courage, address the abuse and harassment A story about how a brave boy fighting those who harass him
The Two Towers Avoid Envy A short story about Envy
the Best Choice Learn what is truly important and avoid materialism A story about Santa Claus' presents
The Tickling Scales Healthy life and joy A story about the better indicator of beauty and a person’s value
The Opera Singer Hard work and effort A short story about hard work
The Wand That Ran Out Generosity A short story to learn to share
A Perfect Christmas Generosity and humility Cuento de Navidad
Mystery in the Library A love of reading Cuento para animar la afición por la lectura
The Painter, the Dragon, and the Titan Prevent abuse and the "pecking order" A story that teaches children not to abuse their strength and size to give order
The Good Pirate Freedom and self guiding A short story about the freedom to choose our path
Lies in the Stone Age Sincerity, honesty, responsible act A short story about being truthful and acting responsibly
Cheerful Charlie Cheerfulness y enthusiasm A short story for children about cheerfulness and enthusiasm
The Evil Millisphore Love in the family A story teaching children that love is the secret strength of the family
Two Elves and Two Wishes Friendship, companionship, reflect before you act A short story about the value of friendship over being impulsive
An Allergic Wizard Be respectful and kind to others A funny story about respect to others
The Magic Key Passion for reading and imagination A story to discover the joys of reading
My Little World has Broken Overcoming and adaptability A story for kids about adaptability and flexibility
The Creature in the Attic Bravery, overcoming irrational fears A short story to overcome irrational fears
The Pleaseometer Avoid to feel envy A Santa's story about generosity
Colourful Animals Avoid prejudices and being open minded A story to teach to be open minded
The Red Balls Measure the right amount of things, self-discipline A short story about self-discipline and correct amount of dosage
Playing with the Sun Companionship and comprehension A short story about companionship
The Last Dinosaurs Adaptability and flexibility A short story about dinosaurs
The Island Of Inventions Having goals and dreams as motivation A short story about the power of dreams
A Resentful Thumb Forgiveness A funny story about forgiveness
The Flying Contest Fair play, namely losing A short story for kids about fair play and knowing to lose
Speedy Snails Humility A short story about humility
The Proudest Parents Obedience A short story about obedience
Bobby the Mountain Climber Motivation and sacrifice A short story about motivation
Sparky Hooves Calm and self control A short story to combat bullying
Two Intelligent Boys Responsibility and making the best of our talents A tale about using our talents and responsibility
A Letter Soup Good manners A short and funny story to teach good manners
Effort, the Infinite Giant Effort A short story about the effort to respond instantly towards success
The Island of Two Sides Decision and dissent A short story about entrepreneurial initiative and overcome fear
The Knight and the World Joie de vivre A short story to quest for happiness
The Homework Party Self motivation A short story about making homework funny
The World’s Rarest Creature Order and Care A short story about keeping things in order
A Day With The Pigs Teaching to dress quickly, collaborate, obedience A short story to teach children how to obey parents and dress quickly