Lies in the Stone Age

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Story File


Sincerity, honesty, responsible act

Main Lesson

Trying to cover up mistakes with lies only worsens the final consequences.


The stone age


A naughty boy, a dinosaur egg, and a daddy dinosaur

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Lies in the Stone Age

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A short story about being truthful and acting responsibly

Once upon a time there was a boy who was just far too naughty. One day, he was playing with a dinosaur egg, and accidentally dropped it down a ravine.

When Daddy dinosaur came looking for the egg, the boy told him someone had stolen it from him and had ran far off in a certain direction. The dinosaur went off in search of the thief.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the ravine, the dinosaur egg hatched and the baby dinosaur emerged. It had an awful time being stuck down there on its own, and wouldn't stop crying.

Days later, when the father finally found it, the baby dinosaur told his father that all the time he had heard the boy's voice. The dinosaur was furious, and went to ask the boy again what happened. Again the boy lied.

As a punishment for this, the dinosaur put the boy in his cave and blocked the entrance with a load of rocks. There the boy stayed for several days, until he had learnt his lesson.

After that he ended up being a very truthful boy, and inseparable friends with the baby dinosaur.

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