Short stories for children

These brief stories are the best resource for parents and teachers willing to educate children in a fun and effective way. They are original and diverse, and all of them convey an important lesson to learn.

Tap the title to select the one you prefer from our list of short stories.

Título Educational Value
No More Jungle Law (story2): The Monkey How to avoid bullying Cuento para prevenir los casos de bullying con los espectadores
A Colourful Head Avoid envy A short story to avoid envy
The Greatest Treasure in the World Friendship and teamwork A story about friendship as the greatest treasure
Thomas Crum and his Drum Consideration, respect A short story about respect and consideration for others in the society
The Cloud Dragon Trust and understanding A short story about the adventure of a terrible dragon
Charlie and the Horse Great care A short story about how to take care of things
Back to school for the brave Bravery and being nice Conejita valiente
Seeing the Last Dinosaur Order, organised, tidy A short story about being organised and tidy
A Cow in the Cafe Patience and order A short story about patience and order in every endeavor in life
The Rebellious Ant Teamwork, order and obedience A short story about obedience and effort