The Evil Millisphore. Children's audio story narrated in British English.
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Story narrated by Sharon Brogden. You can read the complete story text below
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Once upon a time there was a villain who was so thoroughly evil that he devised a plan to destroy every important thing in the world. His name was Millisphore, and, helped by his great machines and inventions, he managed to ruin everything. After that, he created a potion that robbed people of their desire to work. He also managed to infect everyone with such a smelly gas that they preferred to stay at home rather than go out and risk meeting anyone.
When things had reached the point where the entire world had been spoilt, Millisphore saw that only one more thing stood in his way in his desire for complete domination, and this one thing was the family. Despite all his evil inventions, his potions and his gases, it seemed that families were still sticking together. What bothered him most was that all the families were resisting him, no matter how many people were in each one, where they lived, or how they spent their time.
He tried making the houses smaller, but the families just lived closer together in less space. He also destroyed food, but the families just shared what little they had. And so he continued with his wicked deeds against the last thing on the whole planet that still resisted him, but nothing was working.
Finally he discovered the secret to the strength of every family: they loved each other, and there was no way to change that. Though he tried to invent something to destroy this love, Millisphore never managed it. Sad and annoyed at not having managed to dominate the world, he gave up and let everything return to normality.
The evil Millisphore ended up so depressed that all he could think of to do was go crying to his parents’ house and tell them what had happened. And, despite all the wicked deeds he had done, his parents ran out to embrace him. They forgave him, and encouraged him to be good.
And so it is that even the family of the most wicked will love him and forgive him anything! And aren’t we fortunate to have a family?
Author.. Pedro Pablo Sacristán
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