The Queen’s Journey, a story about Generosity and setting an example


A short story about generosity and good example

"A quest searching for Generosity ending in an unexpected way"

The Trick, a story about Strength of will and fortitude


A short story to improve strength of will

"Strength of will can be developed through small but consistent efforts "

Sparky Hooves, a story about Calm and self control


A short story to combat bullying

"The best thing to do with bullies is ignore them"

La joven del bello rostro, a story about Evitar la superficialidad


Cuento de amor

"No debemos apreciar las personas por su apariencia, sino por su verdadera personalidad."

The Toothy Toad, a story about Hygiene and healthy life


A funny story about brushing teeth

"A nice way to explain to children the importance of brushing their teeth, and not eating too many sweets"

Fleabags, a story about Teamwork


A story about teamwork and collaboration

"Teamwork and coordination allow us to achieve more than we could individually, no matter how capable we are"

The Boy Who Always Won, a story about Fair play and honesty


A tale to teach fair play and avoid cheating

"The desire to always win at everything, to the extent of resorting to cheating, is the greatest obstacle to winning when winning is most important"

The Little Glutton, a story about Moderation; restraint


A tale about restraint and self control

"Nothing is good when taken to excess"

The Birth of the Turtles, a story about Importance of Family


A story about family

"A story in praise of families, and how much we receive from them without realizing."

The Mysterious Juggling Clown, a story about Respect and Humility


A tale about respecting others work

"If nothing is done to remedy it, disrespect multiplies and spreads. So it’s everyone’s responsibility to prevent such behaviour."

El gigante comenubes, a story about Amistad y entrega


Cuento sobre la amistad

"La amistad empieza por darse a los amigos sin esperar nada a cambio, estando atentos a lo que necesitan"

The Best Robot, a story about Accept people differences


A fantastic tale about tolerance and integration

"We cannot hope to be the best at everything, nor that everyone else be just like us. Every individual contributes something of value."

The Lie-hunting Wizard, a story about Sincerity


Story about lies nad sincerity

"In the beginning lies can seem helpful, but as time goes on they will backfire on you"

La báscula de las cosquillas, a story about Vida saludable y alegría


Cuento para evitar la anorexia y obsesiones con el aspecto físico

"La obsesión con el peso y el aspecto físico son la forma de asegurarse el mal humor y generar problemas de salud"

An Allergic Wizard, a story about Be respectful and kind to others


A funny story about respect to others

"With very little effort, and some tact, you can be considerate to, and include everyone"

The Cockerel, the Duck, and the Mermaids, a story about Combat fear of the dark


A story to combat the fear of the dark

"Fear of the dark is not fear of anything real, and can only prevent you from discovering interesting things"

La madrastra, a story about Evitar los prejuicios


Cuento para evitar los prejuicios

"Dejarnos llevar por prejuicios basados en apariencias o cosas superfluas, como la raza, la belleza o el nombre, es de lo más injusto y equivocado"

The Pleaseometer, a story about Avoid to feel envy


A Santa's story about generosity

"Many of those who seem to have so much, in fact have the least. So it’s best not to envy them."

The Drawing That Talked, a story about Effort and joy


A story about effort and practice with joy to improve

"You can do everything better when you practice with effort and joy"

The Math Dunce, a story about Will to learn and creativity


A story about learning maths

"If you adopt a creative and fun strategy, you can make learning even the most boring subject enjoyable"

The Grumpy Tree, a story about Generosity, nature caring


A story about generosity

"The stubbornness and selfishness of a tree are remedied with tenderness and generosity"

Two Intelligent Boys, a story about Responsibility and making the best of our talents


A tale about using our talents and responsibility

"Our best talents are simultaneously gifts and responsibilities with regards to others, rather than simply individual advantages for us to exploit"

Where did the Voices go?, a story about Loyalty, friendship and fellowship


A story about loyalty and fellowship

"Telling tales about others is not only unfriendly, it also hinders others from telling their stories themselves"

Trapped in Tidyland, a story about Freedom


A story about freedom

"Freedom is the most valuable gift. Without it, nothing we do has meaning"

The Mocking Tiger, a story about Learn to appreciate valuable qualities on everyone


A story to teach to value things on others

"Animals are trapped in a cave during their meeting. The only way to be saved is by using very special abilities"

The Unfriendly River, a story about Friendliness, kindness and sense of humor.


A story to promote kindness and friendliness

" It’s always better to have friends and be happy - even though it may bring discomfort - than isolate yourself from people in order to avoid problems."

El murcipájaro, a story about Aguantar las incomodidades


Cuento para niños comodones

"Todo tiene su parte incómoda o desagradable que hay que aceptar, porque no se pueden separar esas cosas del resto de la vida"

My Little World has Broken, a story about Overcoming and adaptability


A story for kids about adaptability and flexibility

"Changes are not a bad thing, it is up to ourselves to open the eyes and make something positive of them"

That’s Enough!, a story about Patience and spirit of sacrifice


A tale to teach patience and spirit of sacrifice

"The spirit of sacrifice helps you to put up with difficult circumstances until things improve."

The Experiments of Miss Ellis, a story about Freedom


Short story about freedom

"Three short examples to demonstrate essential aspects of freedom"

Tubby, the Pot-bellied Cat, a story about follow the rules and act in an exemplary manner


Funny story to encourages children to go to bed early

"Funny story which encourages children to go to bed early"

The Chain of Smiles, a story about Happyness and kindness


A story to teach the value of smiling

"To smile is to be cheerful in a wonderful, contagious, and effortless way."

The Prisoners, a story about Learn to treat people with deficiencies


A story to learn to treat people with deficiencies and down syndrome

"We need to learn to accept people with deficiencies. We can do this by putting ourselves in their place, and trying to help them."

Colourful Animals, a story about Avoid prejudices and being open minded


A story to teach to be open minded

"The animals believed the whole world must be just like their own part of it"

Friends from the Vegetable Patch, a story about Friendship (and a bit of healthy food)


A story for kids about friendship and healthy food

"Friendship is best demonstrated during difficult times."

Hunting for Smiles, a story about Patience and Perseverance


A tale about patience and perseverance

"Sometimes we are about to achieve our goals, but give up through lack of perseverance and patience."

The Ticklish Kid, a story about Self acceptance; making others happier


A story about self acceptance and others happiness

"everything which makes us different makes us, at the same time, special, and there are always ways to benefit from these gifts"

Happy Endings, a story about Solidarity and Justice


A story about Solidarity and Justice

"Good or bad fortune does not make one a better or worse person, and we all have a responsibility to help the less fortunate. "

Searching for Stars, a story about Hope when facing the death of loved ones


A story about hope when facing the death of loved ones

"A tender, happy story with a positive approach to the deaths of loved ones"

The Fairy and the Shadow, a story about Loyalty and commitment


A tale about loyalty and commitment

"The fundamental basis of friendship and love is to remain loyal and committed during times of adversity."

The Day of Silence, a story about Integrate people with disabilities


A story about integrating people with disabilities

"We should give everyone with a disability a chance to show their good qualities. We should treat them as normally as possible."

The Hair Thief, a story about Sincerity when talking to children


A story about sincerity with sons

"We should explain things to children in an honest manner because children deserve respect. We should resist telling them silly stories for our own amusement. "

Works of the Kingdom, a story about Leadership and initiative


A tale to teach leadership and initiative

"Leadership is earned via actions that demonstrate courage, fairness, and commitment "

An Insignificant Task, a story about Responsibility y constancy


A story to teach responsibility

"Responsibility is to be measured by how we approach the seemingly less important tasks in life"

La rana saltaventanas, a story about Apreciar las cosas buenas


Cuento para aprender a apreciar las cosas buenas

"Hay que fijarse mucho más en lo bueno de lo que tenemos, que en aquello de lo que carecemos, pues la ambición sin sentido nos puede hacer perderlo todo"

Eight ways to generate fun and creative ideas for a story

Here I present a brief list of strategies and tricks to help produce amusing and inventive ideas quickly and easily. It is the same list I presented, this afternoon, to parents who attended my Creative Story workshop in Tajamar College, Madrid. The workshop was a wonderfully enjoyable experience, and the stories produced by the participants were terrific. I'll certainly be posting some of them on the website, and doubtless their approval ratings will be much higher than mine :-)

Fear is soft and smooth, a story about Overcoming fear of darkness


A tale to teach to overcome fear of darkness

"A way to overcome fear of darkness in children, through imagination and creativity"

A Lion without a Roar, a story about Selfcontrol and moderation


A story for kids to teach selfcontrol

"Shouts and threats are not the best way to make friends, nor to get what you want."

The Sword of Peace, a story about Love peace; hate war


A tale about peace

"Two ideas. That wars and battles are not romantic, and that we can all do something to bring about peace."

Princess of Fire, a story about Love, devotion and passion


A story for kids about love and passion

"True love is the most powerful way to change the world from the inside, starting with ourselves."

The World's Best Warrior, a story about Peace


A story about peace and avoid violence

"There are always better ways to get what you desire than violence. With violence, everyone ends up losing in the long run."

The Lazy Little Bird, a story about Combat laziness


A story to teach to combat laziness

"Laziness ends up having a bad effect on many aspects of life. It can only be combated with forward-planning and hard work."

An Unexpected Arrival, a story about Dealing with the loss of a mother


A Story about dealing with the loss of a mother

"An emotional and positive story to help in dealing with the loss of a mother during childhood"

The Magic Tree, a story about Good manners


A story for kids to teach good manners

"The origin of good manners"

Humility among the Animals, a story about Humility and fair play


A story for kids about humility

"On the vanity and pride of those used to being best, and the lessons in humility which this can bring"

The Ugly Fairy, a story about Self acceptance


A story about respect and self-acceptance

"We can all achieve great things, and we have within ourselves all that is needed to do so. We should not give such great importance to physical beauty, nor should we want to change only according to how others see us."

El vikingo de los cien cuernos, a story about Austeridad


Cuento sobre la austeridad

"La ostentación y el lujo no aportan nada positivo, y tarde o temprano se convierten en una debilidad"

Juanija Lagartija, a story about Optimismo e ilusión


Cuento para aprender a superar las desgracias con ilusión

"El futuro siempre puede ser mejor que lo que ya ha pasado, pero si no dejamos de mirar atrás no podemos verlo"

La ballena calurosa, a story about Fortaleza y reciedumbre


Cuento sobre la reciedumbre

"La falta de fortaleza y reciedumbre lleva a hacer cosas sin sentido y desproporcionadas"