Stories and Tales

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Here you'll find the latest additions to the original story collection. New ones are added almost daily, so be sure to check it out often. You can freely navigate this view, and also you can go our best ranked stories or browse our stories search page

Adalina, the fairy without wings, a story about Friendship, overcoming


A short story about the importance of friends in overcoming problems

"Friends are the greatest help for overcoming difficulties and taking us to where we couldn’t reach alone."

Honest Ladybirds, a story about Trustworthiness and honesty


A short story about the value of honesty and being trusted

"Honesty is valued by all, and when we are dishonest, people lose faith in us."

Chatty Sheep, a story about Attentiveness, listen, sensitivity


A short story that teaches children to listen

"A fun way of demonstrating what effect listening to others has, instead of simply talking to them all the time."

Strange Tennis Balls, a story about Care and precision


A story that teaches children about big and small things

"Teaching very young children about different sizes and shapes."

Evil Tellies, a story about Time management, don't waste time with television


A story that teaches how not to be obsessed with watching tv

"Watching television is often a waste of time, and brings no benefit."

The Last Thousand Dragons, a story about Joy and healthy life


A story that teaches children to bring joy to others

"You can change people’s lives by bringing them a little joy and good health."

Lies in the Stone Age, a story about Sincerity, honesty, responsible act


A short story about being truthful and acting responsibly

"Trying to cover up mistakes with lies only worsens the final consequences."

Tony, the Human Wasp, a story about Courage, wit, guts, bravery, intelligence


A short story teaching children to be brave over fear and bullying

"Even when we’re much weaker, we can defend ourselves from bullies by using what they themselves fear."

Thomas Crum and his Drum, a story about Consideration, respect


A short story about respect and consideration for others in the society

"Respect and consideration for others are fundamental for living in groups, because there will always be something which annoys people."

A Day With The Pigs, a story about Teaching to dress quickly, collaborate, obedience


A short story to teach children how to obey parents and dress quickly

"A fun story to try to impress upon young children the importance of getting dressed quickly and properly."