Stories and Tales

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Here you'll find the latest additions to the original story collection. New ones are added almost daily, so be sure to check it out often. You can freely navigate this view, and also you can go our best ranked stories or browse our stories search page

The Full Warren, a story about Generosity and friendship


Short story about generosity

"Giving without expecting anything in return can often be greatly rewarded"

The Drop of Water, a story about Obedience. Good influencers


A short story about the impact bad influencers could have on children

"It’s much harder to undo an unwise act than it is to act wisely right from the start"

A Colourful Head, a story about Avoid envy


A short story to avoid envy

"Envy is the result of not knowing how to appreciate what we already have"

The Cave of the Thousand Treasures, a story about Generosity


Short story to avoid greed and avarice

"When we attach ourselves to purely material things we are only making ourselves poorer, even though we may have more things"

Little Worm is Lost!, a story about Punctuality to come home


Short story to come home early

"Children should come home before it gets dark"

Win or Lose, a story about Fair play, being a good loser


Learn how to lose

"To know how to win or lose gracefully is important to actually enjoy what you’re actually doing, and not to give so much importance to the result."

Stickybeard’s Treasure, a story about Obedience


A short story about obedience and pirate's treasures

"Obeying your parents is the best policy for children"

A Frog and a Frying Pan, a story about Learn to forgive


A short story to learn to forgive

"The law of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” solves nothing. What does solve things is knowing how to forgive."

The Pet Sack, a story about Kindness


A short story to teach that what we give, we receive

"What we give, we receive. To receive the good we must give it."

The Wicked Prince, a story about Sincerity and responsibility


A short story to teach sincerity

"A lying Prince finds his lies finally backfiring on him"