Educate and Have Fun with Short Stories
- Hundreds of short stories for children teaching values
- Audiostories in English and Spanish
- Modern stories with fairytale characters
- Educational resources for Parents and Teachers
- An entry into the world of educational stories
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For teachers
Don't miss the Workbook of Values, a great selection of short stories with coloring pictures that you can download for free. The best way to enter the world of educational stories.
- Audio stories, for lessons on values
- Stories in Spanish, short and simple, for your language lessons
Stories have an incredible educational value due to the their influence on memory, but also because... children love them!
Our aim is to support and help you with this task. In this site:
- You will find hundred of stories.
- We will help you to teach values.
- You can listen to a thousand audio stories.
- Enjoy time with your children even more.
- You will learn to tell stories.
- We also offer you...
- And create your own.
- ... losts of educational resources.
If you are an education pro, you know about the benefits of stories better than anyone,
Browse this site at your leisure. Your children will really enjoy our varied and top quality resources. Thousands of teachers are using them right now!
And if you like our work, spread the word: the more people know about us, the more children will benefit.
Stories for children
At Bedtime Stories, we have a great collection of short stories to educate children about values, with all sorts of characters and situations.
We offer them as a great educational resource for parents and teachers.
New stories and themes are frequently added: you will never be short of new educational stories!
Julian finally left his village when there was no one left living there. He had never left his beloved village before, but intrigued by the fact that everyone had gone to the city, he decided to go and see for himself what wonderful things those cities had. So he packed a knapsack with a few clothes, put on his best smile, and off he went to the city.
On reaching the city, he was given a most unexpected welcome. A couple of policemen stopped Julian and questioned him in great detail. It turned out that Julian had seemed 'suspiciously happy' for someone with hardly any possessions. In the end, the police had to let him go, but they were still suspicious about this apparently simple and good-natured fellow.
The first thing Julian noticed about the city was all the rushing around. Everyone was in such a hurry that he thought that there must be something special happening that day, which no one wanted to miss. Curious as to what it was, Julian started following a man who looked like he was hurrying to see whatever it was that was happening. However, after several hours following him, the man arrived at a small flat and went inside. He had done or seen nothing of interest that whole day.
That night Julian slept in a park. The park was strewn with bits of paper and plastic. As the bins were completely empty, Julian thought how cool it was that the city had seemingly invented plants with petals made of paper and plastic. He only believed this until the following morning, when a man came by and dropped his chocolate wrapper.
Julian carried on walking through the city streets, trying to understand what was going on, when he arrived at a group of big warehouses, which many people were entering. "This must be the best museum in the world," he thought, on entering, and seeing all the useless-looking things they had inside. But then he saw that people were picking these things up, paying for them, and taking them away.
"Why would anyone want a watch which doesn't show the minutes?" he wondered to himself, after seeing a woman very contentedly leaving with the most modern of watches on her wrist. He thought pretty much the same when seeing a pair of shoes with impossibly high heels, and then some electronic device which did a thousand things, and none of them well. Once again, he decided to follow the lady with the watch. He saw her joy turn into disappointment when her friends gave her new watch a look of disapproval. Julian started regretting having left his village, just to come to this place where no one seemed happy.
Then he saw a few kids playing. Now, they certainly did seem happy, playing, running about, chasing each other. Except for one child, who seemed troubled by a little machine they were calling a console. He was hitting it so hard with his fingers, and making all kinds of faces and angry gestures, that when one of the other children came over to invite him to play with them, the boy with the console just rudely walked away. Julian thought that the boy was trying to destroy that little machine because it was making him so unhappy. He decided to help the boy. Julian went over, took the console, threw it on the ground, stamped on it, and looked at the boy with great satisfaction.
At this the boy flew into a rage, as did all the other children there, and nearly all the adults. They pursued Julian so relentlessly that he had to run away. He didn't stop running until he reached the road leading back to his village.
As he was making his way home he couldn't help wondering whether the whole world had gone mad.