Edward and the Dragon. Picture bedtime story

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Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

Edward is just a boy, but could have been a girl or an elder person. Do you realize that intelligence is more important than size or strength? Intelligence itself is not enough. What do you think would have happened if Edward was not so brave and did not dare to approach the dragon?

Let's talk!

Talk to your child about the importance of making a proper use of intelligence. Tell her some well known cases of people who used it to do good and people who used it to do evil.

Why don't you try this?

To attach to the mind of your child the importance of using our abilities to serve others, you can build and decorate a toy castle. Then you can enclose several dolls in the castle. Whenever your child use her skills to do something good, you can release one of the dolls to let her feel the joy of doing good.

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Drawings by Jaime Espinar.