Stories and Tales

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Here you'll find the latest additions to the original story collection. New ones are added almost daily, so be sure to check it out often. You can freely navigate this view, and also you can go our best ranked stories or browse our stories search page

Back to school for the brave, a story about Bravery and being nice


Conejita valiente

"The way we come across to others greatly influences how they treat us."

An uncontrollable temper, a story about Self-control and good character


Cuento para aprender a controlar los enfados

"When we act out of anger and rage we are easily misled. Controlling ourselves in such situations helps us to avoid big problems."

Alina, the Dragon Guardian, a story about Truthfulness


Cuento para perder el miedo a decir la verdad

"Owning up to lies, even if difficult, is the only way to undo the harm that they cause"

Albertina, World Traveller, a story about Controlling Impulsiveness


Un cuento para controlar la impulsividad y la impaciencia

"Things turn out better and you can enjoy them more when you approach them calmly and unhurriedly "

A very special superpower, a story about Happiness and kindness


Un cuento para transmitir alegría e ilusión

"The best way to improve our surroundings and the people who form part of them is to make the world a little better for everyone"

The strange teacher who didn’t like his pupils, a story about Love and forgiveness


Un cuento de maestros sobre el cariño en el aula

"Love is the most powerful force to change people "

A place where it rains chocolate, a story about A love of reading


Un cuento para alimentar la imaginación y la creatividad con la lectura

"Reading encourages imagination and creativity, and nurtures our ability to produce good ideas"

A beach with a surprise, a story about Positive attitude.


Cuento sobre las vacaciones, el mar y la playa

"You can still have a positive attitude to life despite any difficulties or bad things you may have faced. "

The short story of the long books, a story about To introduce reading


Cuento para saber apreciar la lectura desde pequeños

"The love for books and reading should be introduced gradually, respecting children’s age and stage of development."

Mystery in the Library, a story about A love of reading


Cuento para animar la afición por la lectura

"To discover our love for reading we need to start by reading good stories, even if at the beginning we have little or no interest."