Los mejores cuentos infantiles

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Use the best stories to teach, according to our readers' votes.

Hope you enjoy them too

Mirror with a Malfunction, a story about Goodness and generosity


Short story about caring for others

"Helping others brings the greatest happiness"

The ghost-hunting Zombie, a story about Preventing racism and prejudice


Cuento de zombis y fantasmas

"A nice story to show that you can’t pass judgement on someone just because they were born into a certain group "

Tuton the Planet Eater, a story about Generosity


A short story teaching children to give than to receive

"Generosity starts with yourself. Before demanding from others, we should be the first to give without expecting anything in return. "

The Chair, a story about Real friendship


A short story about identifying real friends.

"Not everyone around us is a real friend. True friends take care of us."

A Ray of Moonlight, a story about Respect and civility


A short story about respect and its reward

"Those who respect everyone will end up being rewarded."

The Girl with the Beautiful Face, a story about Avoiding superficiality


A short story about true love behind a beautiful face

"We shouldn’t value people by their appearance, but rather for their true personality."

The Magic Window, a story about Friendship and care


A short story for children about friendship

"Friends are for cheering you up in your worst moments"

Happy Mothers on the Marsh, a story about Goodness and leadership


A short story teaching children to do good

"Goodness has a strength way beyond that of the individual, leading others to do good; and it's within the reach of all of us."

The Day the Stork Stole the Wedding, a story about Fairness and honesty


Cuento para evitar las pequeñas mentiras y desobediencias

"Las pequeñas mentiras y ocultamientos son tan malos como los grandes, porque para ocultarlos siempre obligan a crear nuevas y mayores mentiras"

The Wailing Forest, a story about Effort and sacrifice


A short story about bad postures

"A metaphor about good posture for children, looking at possible future consequences of too much comfort."