Los mejores cuentos infantiles

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Use the best stories to teach, according to our readers' votes.

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Music on your plate, a story about Healthy family life


A short story about good nutrition and healthy family life

"Not only children should get involved in eating more healthily. It is emphasised that the most elaborate, most processed, foods are usually the least healthy"

The Cave of the Thousand Treasures, a story about Generosity


Short story to avoid greed and avarice

"When we attach ourselves to purely material things we are only making ourselves poorer, even though we may have more things"

Book, Ink, and Feather, a story about Cooperation and positive attitude


A short story about how to improve fate through collaboration

"Regretting the past won’t solve anything. What is required is to change one’s situation and seek the necessary help to do so. "

Redbeard’s Treasure, a story about Avoiding greed


A short story about treasure and greed of a pirate

"There’s no point in accumulating things if you don’t know how to enjoy them."

The Cloudsqueezer, a story about Humility and willingness to learn


A short story about not pretending we know everything

"We should never give up learning. Nor should we ever think we know everything"

The Lie-hunting Wizard, a story about Sincerity


Story about lies nad sincerity

"In the beginning lies can seem helpful, but as time goes on they will backfire on you"

Teary Joe, a story about Effort and joy, avoid tears


A short story about getting things through crying

"Children who cry to get what they want are missing out on a lot of great stuff."

The Great Gifts, a story about Avoid bullying, harrassment in school


A short story about uniqueness and great gift of talents

"Children who at first seem strange often turn out to be very special. We should help them to find their own individual talents."

The Magi-virus, a story about Closeness and friendship. Prevent loneliness


A short story that teaches children to be friendly to avoid loneliness

"Physical contact and closeness help improve an atmosphere and prevent loneliness."

The Stepmother, a story about Avoid prejudice and being judgmental


A short story teaching children not to accusatively judge others

"It is most unfair and mistaken to allow ourselves to judge based on appearance or superfluous things like race, beauty or name."