Tender and sensitive stories

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An Unexpected Arrival, a story about Dealing with the loss of a mother


A Story about dealing with the loss of a mother

"An emotional and positive story to help in dealing with the loss of a mother during childhood"

Happy Endings, a story about Solidarity and Justice


A story about Solidarity and Justice

"Good or bad fortune does not make one a better or worse person, and we all have a responsibility to help the less fortunate. "

Brodek, Dragon of Day and Night, a story about Peace and sensitivity for beautiful things


A short story about the effect of no hatred in our hearts

"A story for learning to notice and enjoy everything around us, rejecting any form of hate."

Princess of Fire, a story about Love, devotion and passion


A story for kids about love and passion

"True love is the most powerful way to change the world from the inside, starting with ourselves."

A Different Take on Halloween, a story about Forgiveness, self control and joy


A short story about Halloween and letters

"A non-scary story about monsters, to tell to little ones on Halloween"

The Day of Silence, a story about Integrate people with disabilities


A story about integrating people with disabilities

"We should give everyone with a disability a chance to show their good qualities. We should treat them as normally as possible."

Chocolate Tears, a story about Friendship


A short story to make friends

"The best way to make friends is to be genuinely concerned about others."

The Fairy and the Shadow, a story about Loyalty and commitment


A tale about loyalty and commitment

"The fundamental basis of friendship and love is to remain loyal and committed during times of adversity."

The Chain of Smiles, a story about Happyness and kindness


A story to teach the value of smiling

"To smile is to be cheerful in a wonderful, contagious, and effortless way."

George the Giant, a story about Tenderness and kindness


A short story about tenderness and kindness

"The best way to deal with anger is to use tenderness, tact, and kindness"