The Stepmother. Picture bedtime story

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Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

Do you see how easilly we can think ill of someone without any grounded reason? Have you ever do so regarding your classmates? How should you act when you think someone has done something bad, but you are not sure it was hit who did it?

Let's talk!

Probably you have ever misjudged someone that ended being a good friend of you. Tell your child about that person, explaining why did you misjudge her, how did you realize about your error and why you were lucky to change your mind about that person

Why don't you try this?

Two iniquitous prejudices are racism and xenofobia. You can fight them creating a big table. Columns will be different races and nationalities, while rows will be common good and bad qualities. The goal is to prove that qualities belong to each single person by filling in the table with pictures of persons from every race and nationality who have each quality.

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Drawings by Jaime Espinar.