Humility Among Animals. Picture bedtime story

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Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

We all have some special hability, though sometimes we need some time to discover it. What is your special hability? What do you think is the best way to use it? The kangaroo only uses his habilities to brag. Can you think of a better way to use them?

Let's talk!

Penguin surely have wanted revenge, but managed to win gracefully, avoiding humiliating Kangaroo. Thus they make good friends. It is very likely you have experienced something similar. Tell your child about that experiente to help her understand that avoiding revenge, though requiring some effort, is always worth.

Why don't you try this?

TV showcases many sport stars. You can sort them in a list, but instead of sorting them by their sports skills, try sorting them by their fair play and their attitude when they win or lose. Once you get a winner, it would be great to send him a letter to congratulate him. Imagine how exciting it would be if eventually he responds back to you!

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Drawings by Jaime Espinar.