The Mystery of the Missing Coin

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Story File


Overcoming shyness

Main Lesson

Excess shyness can render some abilities and virtues ineffective


The forest and its underground labyrinth


A magpie, a hare, a mouse and a mole

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The Mystery of the Missing Coin

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A short story to overcome shyness

Once there was a magpie who realised that one of his most prized coins was missing. So he called the best detectives in the forest: the hare and the mouse.

The mouse was a bit cleverer and more shrewd than the hare; so, following the clues and using his reasoning powers, soon led him to the great labyrinth of tunnels under the forest. On entering, he saw Mr. Mole, but the mouse was very shy, so he said nothing to the mole about why he was there, and he carried on looking for the missing coin.

The hare was also a great detective, and, before long, he too arrived at the labyrinth. He was not a bit shy, and the first thing he did was go and ask the mole if he knew were the coin was. The mole was all too pleased to lead the hare to the coin. That coin had been bothering the mole for months, getting in the way of his tunnelling.

So the hare took the coin and collected his reward. The mouse, who had been watching all this, learned a lot from it. From then on he would never allow shyness to undo all his good work. This approach soon turned him into the best detective in the forest.

Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

Do you remember any time that you haven't got something you liked just for not daring to ask? Do you realize that many times other people are just waiting for you to talk to them to be kind?

Let's talk!

Tell your child a personal story where overcoming shyness payed off. Tell her how you did it, and how did you feel about that.

Why don't you try this?

You can create a secret key to encourage your child to overcome shyness. Both of you can say "This mouse is the best detective" whenever he faces a challenging situation. Recalling this story will surely help him to overcome his shyness.

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